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donner perks

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by DemonicFury, Dec 13, 2013.


should chunk-loaders and mystcraft be donner perk!!

  1. sounds like good idea

  2. maybe chunkloaders

  3. only mystcraft

  4. maybe both but limit it

  5. just NO

  1. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    2:08 AM
    i was thinking we could make mystcraft Donner perk. for high to mid Donner rank. as well as chunkloaders.

    tell me what you think
  2. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    11:08 AM
    Mystcraft will never be freely enabled as it can cause a lot of lag if multiple players generate new worlds at the same time. Additionally, this would lead to an uncontrollable growth of disk usage if anyone can create new ages.
  3. salamishowdown

    salamishowdown Lord Protectorate of Unspecified Things

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    As nice as they might be to have, I dont think it would be a good idea to have them. They are capable of putting huge strain on the server & the server is having enough issues beyond anyones control atm.
    No real need for chunkloaders, if you want things to happen at your base you should be online or at it for that stuff to happen. Alternative is to group up with people.
    No need to expand on what Xfel11 said on Mystcraft.
  4. immaZebrah

    immaZebrah Friendly Neighbourhood Zebra

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    Maybe a world or two for mining?
  5. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    We do have official farm worlds, no need for private ones. just think a second about 500 private worlds. it's just too much and unnecessairy.
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i think personally that xfel11 is right and mystcraft SHOULD be banned. BUT my take on chunk loaders is this:
    yes you should have them but you can only have a certain ammount of chunks loaded at a time. sayyyy you're pumping lava at this one spot, and you want to b at your base while this happens. so you place a chunk loader, oh wait YOU CAN'T with the item ban.
    The42ndDruid likes this.
  7. ExcaliburMC

    ExcaliburMC New Member

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    I agree with chugga about the fact that sometimes you are running stuff in the nether or end but it can't run unless someone is there or there's a chunkloader, and it's quite difficult to ask people to stay in an area for an elongated period of time too. And yes, I agree that mystcraft dimension creation should be banned, just not the linking books, why would the linking books cause lag?
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Linking books are enabled and I see no problem too.

    According to pumping lava, well atm both pumps are bugged and disabled, if they get fixed we can think about a solution ;)
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    new thing to argue to have chunkloaders you can't constantly run an arcane bore without one
  10. N0v4lis

    N0v4lis Member

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    you dont, my boring machine is banned too so why should mages have fun if the machanic is sad :p
  11. Aighato

    Aighato New Member

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    Other server's that I've seen actually have you donate specifically for the owner to create an age and give them a linking book to it, and as for chunk loaders, I've also seen them more or less sold as a per-transaction gift, I.E. pay $5-$10 and get 1 chunk loader, can buy as many times as you want/need.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i don't like that b/c it's pay-to-win and n0v4lis the arcane bore doesn't cause crashes and the modpack is ABOUT DOING MAGIC *FACEPALM*
  13. The42ndDruid

    The42ndDruid I sell Propane and Propane accessories Patron Tier 3

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    How do chunk loaders make you win? You cannot win Minecraft. It only helps speed up tedious processes that require you to wait long periods of time.
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    no it's the idea of pay to get items (aka pay to win) and you have to buy certain items with hard cash htat is pay to win.
  15. The42ndDruid

    The42ndDruid I sell Propane and Propane accessories Patron Tier 3

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    Chunk Loaders cause lag in large amounts. Those who pay will better support the server and help possibly upgrade the server. It will also limit the number of loaders on the server.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    ...... the thing is why not just force them to use spot loaders which stop lag and chunk loaders on ultimate on a 289 megabite harddrive server that ran for liek 3 years with chunkloaders never crashed soooo what are you talking about? players cause more lg than chunk loaders.
  17. The42ndDruid

    The42ndDruid I sell Propane and Propane accessories Patron Tier 3

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    We have 30-80 players online at any time and the server strains. Imagine 80+ chunk loaders running at once plus 30-80 players wandering around away from the CL. Even with only one chunk loaded per person, that is 80+ chunks plus 30-80+ times the number of chunks loaded around each player.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    and this is why it would be a (somewhat) pay to win if it were like that.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    consider this. If you can only load one chunk, you put anything in this chunk so tie doesn´t matter if you can load 20 chunks and spread your stuff or one and squeeze it into one.
  20. Truen

    Truen New Member

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    On the subject of chunkloaders, I would like to bring up a very popular block that is not present in Horizons: quarries. A quarryplus, running at max size, loads over 100 chunks by its self. Now, this seems like an "oh my god that must lagg the server plz ban omg" moment, that many would say. This however, has not shown to be the case. If many set this up, sure, that would defiantly cause problems. But as horizons has not legal methods of loading chunks (that I know of) other than personal loading, having, say, 20-30 chunk loaders are unlikely to harm the server. With that eliminated, it must be developed a method of understanding the necessity of chunk loaders on horizons. With both lava pumps banned (and even if they were unbanned pumping lava is extremely inefficient. Use igneous extruders feeding into volcanic furnaces) I see no use in that. Secondly, the range on an arcane bore would actually require 2-3 chunk loaders for the bore to actually complete, not to mention that in Thuamcraft 4, the bore was placed in the absolute end game of Thuamcraft, rather than the beginning like in 2 or the original. This means that it is likely that only four or five players across the whole server posses one. This leaves one of the only applications of a chunk loader are auto-farming, offline progress, and smelting. The first is truly a loss, but worth the hassle of a chunk loader? The second is fairly greedy (and lowers the amount of server play time, and simple economics will state that the player who plays less will be less likely to donate). Lastly, smelting; if you are using an alloy furnace with the highest level of capacitor, you should have your smelting done before you can get done setting up the crafting table or have gotten to the point where you need the resource, and in that case I recommend the ME auto crafting system.

    When condensed, this analysis points to the fact that there are actually very little applications of a chunk loader on the Horizons server, except having multiple bases with separate power systems. With so little applications, I don't see buying motive being very high, leading to sales only reaching in the teens. This comes at the expense of setting up the system. This system would have to include a method to keep loaders from transferring to others or being lost, as I can only imagine the flood of messages that say "omg I lost my loader in crash plz replace" and even worse the people saying this message without actually losing it; and if they weren't replaced? The message "omg this server is so stupid I paid money for tht omg". And with all the duplication glitches that have been discovered, if someone found a new one and duplicated their loader?

    Now the counter analysis comes from a financial point of view. If the loaders were sold for real money, there is an initial pay off if the staff was willing to deal with all the consequences of enabling loaders in any shape, especially that one.

    My final opinion is no, absolutely not.

    As for mystcraft? That is a stronger no. The only way, other than linking books, for mystcraft to play a part in a server environment would be for mystcraft to be used in the generation of a farmwold, but the current ones are more stable anyway, not that they're really useful on horizons as there are no auto-mining systems other than the two bores (with one banned) that are better used in the deep dark.
    chugga_fan and The42ndDruid like this.

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