The RF Generator/Storage

I found an easy way to get endurium and sort of went overkill on the power cells, with each one...
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Outside The Farm Sprinkler System Tree Farm Storage Room Smeltery Electric Stuff The RF Generator/Storage
I found an easy way to get endurium and sort of went overkill on the power cells, with each one storing 50M RF. The generator consists of magmatic dynamos. I put netherrack into the strongboxes on the left, which go into the magma crucibles. The itemducts cause lag so I only turn them on when the crucibles are empty. The lava feeds into the resonant tanks, which store excess lava. Having such a large generator, I use a lot of lava. Then the lava goes to the magmatic dynamos, generating RF extremely quickly, due to how many there are. Then the RF is stored in the resonant energy cells, which in total store 800 million RF. Then there's some solar panels on the roof, visible in the outside picture, which generate very little, but I used them early on for a sufficient source.
  1. MidNightEva
    how did u get the endurium?
  2. Ossem
    The hardest part of making it is getting the shiny ingot which you can get by using cinnabar (25% chance of getting it from pulverizing redstone ore) and then smelt ferrous ore and the cinnabar in an induction smelter and you get a shiny ingot.
  3. Ossem
    Another issue people have is getting the resonant ender bucket, which you can get by melting 4 ender pearls in a magma crucible which feeds into a fluid transposer, then put a bucket in the fluid transposer to fill with the resonant ender.
  4. MidNightEva

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