Album: My Airship for the Building Contest on Po3 PrimalGenius is organising

Did build the Airship for the Competition and got help with some material by Elsohu and cristo__<br /> The build itself was mostly done with minimal flight (exept the support beams in the zepelin part and the map (for that i used a Jetpack and paraglider)<br /> The ship can be freely explored as long as nothing is damaged or stolen.

My Airship for the Building Contest on Po3 PrimalGenius is organising

Updated Jul 14, 2024 - Builder DJsammy93.
Side view  
Bottom view  
Closeup of the paddlewheel  
Map on the bridghe  
Journemap topview  
Corridor in the bottom of the ship  
Front view low angle  
Door to the Brig  
Fron View high angle  
Closeup of the pylon rotor  
View from Behind  
Sideview from top angle  
cargohold access hatch  
cargohold side view  
cargohold view from the doors  
Crew bunks  
Engine for the paddlewheel  
door to the paddelwheel engine  
Officers cabin view on beds  
Officers cabin view on table  
Officers cabin  
View into the Brig  
Workshop area 1 in engine room  
Workshop area 2 in engine room  
Main engine (10 piston with generator  
different angel on the engine  
Better view on the Generator part  
internal corridor bottom different angle  
internal corridor bottom another different angle  
view on the propeller from the aft deck  
aft deck  
aft deck view  
Kitchen differen angle  
lower Crew dining area  
Corridor to aft and kitchen with view on dining area  
Different angle on Dining area  
View from front part back  
Top view on cargohold accesshatch  
Staircase midle part  
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Did build the Airship for the Competition and got help with some material by Elsohu and cristo__
The build itself was mostly done with minimal flight (exept the support beams in the zepelin part and the map (for that i used a Jetpack and paraglider)
The ship can be freely explored as long as nothing is damaged or stolen.

Builder DJsammy93.
Texture Pack:
Mod Pack:
Project Ozone 3 Mystic
  1. DJsammy93
    Coordinates are x=-1811 z=2559

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