As far as I know "they" -the admin team- have not rolled back player data. We wont intentionally do it without reason, and ofc wont do it without letting players know. I didnt do it, booker is now the main admin that is dealing with civ, so he will have the best answer to this.
I can roll it back but I dont know what was originally done to cause it. Me changing more stuff is just going to make solving the issue more complicated.
Well, the analogy would work well here, except that your work isn't gone. We have backups for a reason, as Ash stated above, and the staff are trying as hard as they possibly can to solve these issues. Just hang in there.
@GoldenPalladium oh I realize, I've just heard a few people say that they've talked to Staff members and then say that THEY said the rollback wasn't being fixed. I didn't take it that seriously, it just feels like they're keeping us in the dark. The only topics that have been made on the subject have been made by players. @BookerTheGeek if indeed the Staff is working on a rollback, I would like to suggest maybe keeping the server offline until then, so that people don't waste time? Just a thought.
Though that idea may sound good on paper, there's still other people who don't mind playing while this is occurring. The best thing to do is to just give a warning to all those who join, saying there will be a rollback. Nobody has to play that doesn't want to. Also, I would suggest not tagging staff member into threads that haven't already made their presence known on it. It makes it look like you are pushing threads in front of people's face to get their attention, and nobody likes that person who does that. Not saying it's what you were doing, but that's what it looks like to other people.
hmmm you should have your hearts back but as for the botania relics you can got those again as they are player bound so since your player data rolled back you haven't actually had the relics yet