Done "Duped" items and server rollbacks

Discussion in 'Civilization' started by alven4, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    So, yesterday there were many and many crashes and at the end, all player data got rollback to 1 week ago state. This way, I got more items and after a while moderator came to my base and started investigation. It took quite long time and I told him the truth. At end of investigation he told me, I must delete items that I got due to player data rollback. And then he told me I should submit ticket next time, so I won't be investigated.

    The question is, why is it like this. I didn't abuse glitch nor exploit to get those items, so, I didn't break the rules by keeping those items. Nowhere in rules, is stated that I shouldn't keep items gotten due rollback.

    I would be happy if this was clarified by staff. If players shouldn't keep items gotten due to rollback ("duped"), then all players on civilization should be investigated the same way as I was, because it is very probable that every player has at least one duped item (Someone placed dirt block week ago, now it is back in his inventory and that dirt block is in world too or in a chest, so it is "duped"). And I doubt that all players submitted tickets about items gotten due to rollback.

    If players can keep items gotten due to rollback then, I want just that moderator leading the investigation to apologize and rules clarified.

    I often hear from other players that when they submitted tickets, staff told them to keep those items as "refund". But this is opposite of what happened yesterday.
  2. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    If you're hearing from players that that is allowed - then those players are lying to your face.

    Likely you were investigated for duping because you were bragging about duped items in chat - We do take mild offense at players who dupe (And by mild, I'm being sarcastic - We ban them. Forever.)

    Likely the moderator found that you didn't purposefully dupe, and did the correct thing by telling you to dispose of the items in the most expeditious way possible. I recommend you follow that moderators advice.

    We are aware of the issues on Civilization, and BookerTheGeek is working to fix them.
    Ash00182, johnfg10 and LunaBlossoms like this.
  3. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Can this be clarified in rules please?

    Will all the players (that didn't submit ticket) get investigated? Like I said, it is affecting whole server because everyone got "duped" items this way and we can't be sure that they disposed them. Maybe even solve this editing current player data by removing all items that were in their rollbacked inventory.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    This is common sense don't dupe I am sure u knew this @alven4 and to note many people do not have dupes and I hope if they did they would do what I hope u will do and void them
  5. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I know it is common sense to not dupe, but those rules are bit unspecific in case of rollback. I don't think it is obvious that you shouldn't keep those items.
  6. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    If you think about it you have just said u its common sense not to dupe but its different when the server has rolled back that changes?
  7. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    It is different because it wasn't intentional. It is like, when you intentionally dupe you go "steal" those items from server (metaphorically), but when you get them due to rollback, it is like you were given those items.
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    That's like saying if £100 falls out of someone's pocket you should keep it and not give it back
  9. IsaacOB1

    IsaacOB1 Well-Known Member

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    The way I see it the rules says not doop items but even though you didn't do anything to doop them it is still against the rules as you have them and it's kinda unfair on others and should be deleted :)
  10. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    If I find £100 lying on the pavement, I would take it if I didn't see the one who lost it.

    Yeah, I think the same now.
  11. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    Think about it this way for a moment. Let's say you did not brag in chat with another player about getting free items or "supplies". And let's also say that no one created a ticket letting us know about your conversation. The proper protocol as far as morality and server etiquette goes (since we are a family server so strict on no refunds and dupers) is if you find a bug or glitch that you report it. Yes items duped due to a server rollback are a glitch as it would not happen under normal circumstances. You still should report it, anyone should. And then dispose of the items as anyone on this staff will tell you to do. You would not believe how many times people have come to staff saying, "I had some extra items from a rollback and I threw them off my island/in the trash/in the void."

    How do we as staff know anything is going on, or that there is a problem if it is not reported in some way shape or form. We have a bugs/glitches forum for a reason. If we sat down and wrote up rules for every possible scenario that could go wrong and has gone wrong there would be no staff to help players because we'd all be rule writing all day long. Anyone who's played on this network and seen how things are handled would know better than to keep anything that does not belong to them or that they did not acquire themselves. Ask the players of Regrowth how this works, they'll tell you.

    In all seriousness, trying to get around any type of situation you know to be wrong, or trying to justify why you should have an unfair advantage over someone else is not right. No matter where you're from.
    LunaBlossoms and alven4 like this.
  12. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for explaining it. Now I finally know what should I do in this cases and I heard it from staff and it is explained.

    By the way, wasn't it known and intentional that all player data got 1 week rollback?

    The problem is I didn't feel that way I am wrong. I didn't have unfair advantage over players that played at least week ago and didn't destroy their items. I got it all justified for my soul. I didn't exactly break any rules so I didn't feel about it wrong. If you steal something and in rules is stated that you shouldn't do it, you will probably feel wrong, but in cases in which I don't damage other players or server if it isn't written in stone (metaphorically) or told to me by staff and confirmed, I just can't feel that I am wrong.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  13. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    It isn't always that feeling of "wrong" that will get people to send in tickets or ask in game if an item that was duped in way that was not intentional...

    It's the fact that they are asking themselves, and coming to us later on. Which is exactly what you are doing. You were unsure of the whole outcome, but have received multiple answers explaining you how things go around such a topic.
    alven4 likes this.
  14. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for all your responses. You explained it very well. :)

    You can close this thread now.
    MrWisski likes this.
  15. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Marked as done per request :)

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