Civilization - Starter Guide

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Arcanuo, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    A lot of new players join and have no idea what they're doing. There's no HQM to tell them.
    This guide is not comprehensive, but it highlights the early game close to what every player follows through when starting out.

    Mining Iron

    You will find you are unable to mine iron with stone pickaxes, which is a major obstacle. To start out, you're going to punch trees, and get wood. You can use a vanilla stone pickaxe and shovel to dig around and get gravel. Once you've found gravel, you can get flint. You can actually craft flint with 3 pieces of gravel. This will help you create your Flint pickaxe, which you need to level up.

    Use the wood that you got earlier to make a tool station, a part builder, and a stencil table.

    The stencils you need are the Tool Binding, Tool Rod, and Pickaxe Head.
    Put those into the part builder on the left side, and the materials you are going to craft them with to the right of them. Make the tool binding and tool rod out of wood planks, and the pickaxe head out of flint.
    Take these three parts over to the tool station and create your pickaxe.
    You're going to punch tree, get wood. You will need to gather nine gravel. You will then use your gravel to craft flint, which you will craft a flint pickaxe with. Once you have this, you'll be able to mine iron!

    Here's an excellent video to watch to find out all the various things about Silent's Gems.

    Your flint pick can be used to mine Copper. You can level up your flint pickaxe by mining stone. You need to level it up to the tin mining level. You will then be able to mine iron and get the iron to make an iron pickaxe head.

    Shoutout @Kazeodori for a lot of formatting assistance, improving upon my horrible grammar, and pointing out my mistakes. :3
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
    joices and GhostRiderrr like this.
  2. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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    Looks great! Good job guys. :) Now I can just refer people here instead of typing the same thing over and over again. :p
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You can also start mining with Silent Gems mod.
  4. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    True, alot of people prefer Tinker's, know it better, and in the end prefer making there weapons and day-day pick with it though. :3
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    But tinkers wont let you fly, or teleport around.
    Silent Gems is the better mod... in this pack
  6. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    Honestly my Silent Gems is rusty, but when im finished with Rituals and creating my pick. I'll take a look at adding in a Silent Gems starter guide.
  7. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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    I do have to agree with this. If you invest time into silent gems your pick can be way better. Not to mention the warps you can set up with the tele pads. :)
  8. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    Here's a vid for the Silent Gems mod.
  9. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    You can even start mining purely with vanilla like me. Just go to farmworld and loot village for iron.

    Would you mind providing text-based tutorial? I don't like videos too much and they are slow and eat a lot of RAM.
  10. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    That video covers a lot but I'll work on a text guide for silent gems.
  11. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Here are the Steps to be a Silent Gem master.
    1. Make a Fishing pole.(also eat the fish :D)
    2. Using the fish to make a Fish pick
    3. Go mine some Iron, and craft an Iron upgrade
    4. Make a Flint Pick(silent gems), apply the Iron upgrade (this is Redstone level)
    5. Go find some Silent Gem ore.
    6. Make a Pick out of the Gems. (this is Obsidion level)
    7. Find some Diamonds, make a Diamond Upgrade (ardite level)
    8. Super Charged Version is highest level pick (manyullum+)

    While your at it, make some teleporters, home callers and other really usefull items from the mod.

    If you want to skip 1-7, buy some diamonds on the market. Then apply the Diamond Upgrade to a Flint pick from Silent Gems.
  12. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    I agree with what your saying but Silent gems can be used in more then mining and supercharged picks. It adds customized colour schemes for weapons, gem infused blocks, fire shooting swords, multiple type of teleporters and more but most people don't realize this.
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    The mod also has 3x3 mining like the Ticon Hammer. But on a pick.
  14. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    Chaos pick?
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Its an upgrade. you can add it to any Silent Gems tools.
  16. MoltairTremox

    MoltairTremox Well-Known Member

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    also if you get luck and feel creative, you can get somehow a single diamond (thaums special mobs bags) make a shovel made out of diamond and get some iron gravel ore
  17. Kimiko_Saito

    Kimiko_Saito Lover of Carpenters Blocks

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    Gravel ores are also broken when falling onto torches, like regular gravel and sand.
    Arcanuo likes this.
  18. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    ok so going to inject some love into this post due that we are all starting over again.

    Botania can be started as soon as u have a tinkers smeltery set up, melt down the gold shovel u start with, get your hands on 3 iron from either a fish pick or some iron gravel ore dropped via the torch trick. the gold gets u a mana spreader and the three iron will get u a mana steel pickaxe. from memory this is obsidian level pick-axe, allowing u to mine all the base level ores to get you started, as well as repairing based off mana. great starting tools as all u need to do is keep the mana flowing. no special abilities, but great for just starting out.
  19. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    Hi. I am going to proj ozone. (But i cannot be refunded). Loud Gems is ever on Project Oz? Omg..
  20. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    Erm, this is a guide for Civi... Not Ozone..

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