Due to an all time low of the popularity of Regrowth Node 1 and two more Servers going live soon we are shutting it down. Unfortunately are we not able to transfer claims to Node 2 as it has different item id's. Green = RG1, Red = RG2 The shutdown will be on the 25th Feb. Base Download Those that would like to continue on their bases in single player or on their own server are welcome to request a base download during the next 2 weeks. To request please comment below with the following information: Code: Server name: World name: Coordinates (center): Player names: Will be sent out in bulk once a week.
Server name:Reg1 World name:Overworld Coordinates (center):x=2666 z=-3281 and if you need the y it is 71 Player names: DemonGaming11 , and stevethehero10[DOUBLEPOST=1455915933][/DOUBLEPOST]Slind cant you delay the shutdown for a few weeks then see if regrowth1's popularity goes up?
Sorry, if you look at the graph you see that it has been very low on popularity for a long time already.
From what ive seen Slind is right, when i played youd always see about 11 or 12 on Node 2 and 2 or 3 on Node 1 so
Can Mym's / ClaimBlocks be transfered to Regrowth2? I unclaimed and sold ClaimBlocks, and now have 18590 mym's on RG1 (from votin). I expected, that mym's shared between server nodes.
When you join regrow to do you click the first or second link, plus you couldn't possibly be on node 4 as regrow the only has 2 nodes
Dont worry about it, we all make mistakes (If you need cheering up click the button in my signature )