Well we are allready far into the game and want to look at the end. U can craft the end portal itself but not the end portal frame so u actually cant place it. Therefore the end is not reachable.
Heyo Leglerm, Just dropping by after noticing this. I spent a few minutes looking into it but I don't have access to a computer at the moment. Are you positive you can't place the portal alone? (Haven't personally gotten this far on my Agrarian progress nor have I tested with it.)
hmm, i would be cool if they made it so the stronghold spawned in the nether instead haha. But i dont think that is possible. It would be cool though!
It would probably be possible to include a mod to spawn strongholds in the nether now that the launcher is in use.
As the mod Hard Core Ender Expansion is installed I believe that should not be the case. Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
This was a few weeks ago but I physically checked the Agrarian servers (minus Plus) and there was nothing in the world. To my knowledge the maps have not been reset so it still stands. Regards, Auonddon
AS+ is the only agrarian skies server that has Hardcore Ender Expansion. Meaning that it should be the only one with a end dimension. If not the modifications jaded did to prevent the spawning if the end must have erased it.
Is there any way to override this? Would be cool to have the end. Especially if the end was raid, pvp and such. Since we have Hardcore Ender Expansion we should also have dungeons? Maybe also make it so pech can spawn? With pvp enabled and raiding it would be hard to make a base that was secure. Also the nature of the end makes it easy to find other players. Making it a dangerous place Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
the end is enabled on agrarian skies plus, it is not on the default agrarian skies servers. Hardcore Ender Expansion is only on AG+..
Nice! Now we just need to get there haha. What about making strongholds spawn in the nether? Just a random thought. Or make the end portal frame craftable? You cannot place the end portal block down, it gets deleted Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
Would it be a option to add a crafting recipe for the end portal frame? With that u are able to place the end portal...add ender eyes and activate the portal on your own. I think it should work since in a normal mc world are more than 1 stronghold (i believe 3) and all have a portal. Maybe something like a a ender pearl with 4 enderium ingots and 4 ender eyes. That way it would be expensive enough for people that dont have easy access to ender pearls. But also not to expensive since u mostly need ender pearls for that. (which if u got a autospawner set up or a good mobtrap are easy to obtain)
I already tried that but it doesn't work. If I build it at the spawn it works but not in the other world. I assume it is any option from the mods or plugins which deny this.
Is there an option u can get access to like a tp command. For example we can all do /spawn how about /spawnend that u only unlock after a specific challenge?