[Civ] Spice of Life

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by crispyfingers123, Mar 8, 2016.


Would you like to remove the Spice of Life mod from the Civilization modpack?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    21 vote(s)
  3. I don't care

    2 vote(s)
  1. crispyfingers123

    crispyfingers123 New Member

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    3:55 AM
    The spice of life mod is causing lots of problems with new players. It requires players to eat a variety of food in order to receive all the benefits. My problem with it is that it is very extreme how it does so. First off I can eat a salad then it will have 66% benefits the second time which is an extreme drop. I don't know if anyone else gets this large of a drop, but for me it is huge. Spice of life can be avoided with the use of mods such as Forbidden Magic, using the ring of saturation. Another problem is that the only way to stop being tortured by the mod is to avoid the mod altogether. Some people may think this mod is good for botania, as it boosts saturation of food and lowers hunger causing the gourgamilis to produce more mana. I disagree with the idea that we are losing potential new players and reducing the pleasure of earlygame gameplay for something most players do mid to endgame. I hope that you vote in favor of the removal of the spice of life mod, for it is the bane of life.
  2. jim_veens

    jim_veens Well-Known Member

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    spice of life is horrible, get it removed from everything
  3. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    Cooking for Blockheads. Make a fridge, shove food in it, put it next to the other cooking blocks. You can literally make whatever food you have the ingredients for. And last I knew, Booker had changed it to where it was based on how much hunger was restored rather than the flat "eat 20 different things before that one thing is full value again".
  4. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I would disagree spice of life its what gives a real aspect to the game. I like it a lot also how it forces you to eat different foods instead of living your whole minecraft life eating bread and as you pointed out there is ways to by pass it with other mods soo i don't see a issue here
    johnfg10 and profrags like this.
  5. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    It's a Mechanic. We are lacking mechanics on Civi as it is, please don't petition to have any more removed.
  6. crispyfingers123

    crispyfingers123 New Member

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    It makes you have to spend so much time on making food that it's hard to stray to hard from your base. In order to be able to explore, you have to carry 30 different foods, which is a pain to make and takes up inventory if you don't have a bag. I agree we need mechanics but when they can outright disable gameplay they do not belong in this pack.
  7. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I don't get it do, i did play on Civ for a long time and never had a issue or complain with Spice of life
  8. crispyfingers123

    crispyfingers123 New Member

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    If you would have a problem with spending your minecraft life eating bread, then why don't you have a problem with spending your minecraft life with a ring of saturation?
  9. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Then again you are giving solutions to spice of life thats one and there is many others with the mods in the pack. no need to remove a mod in the pack if there is a solution to it
  10. crispyfingers123

    crispyfingers123 New Member

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    That is not the question I asked
  11. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    Agricraft and Pam's as well as Cooking for Blockheads makes cooking numerous things so easy. I agree, more mechanics need to be added to Civ instead of taking them away. DO NOT take away Spice of Life.

    Additionally, I haven't heard any new players or players of any time played complain of the hunger issues while I have been on the server. If people are struggling that much, they aren't saying anything or asking for help that would surely be given.
  12. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    The Fruit of Grisaia also restores hunger at a cost of mana, and is not counted in the Spice of Life.
  13. crispyfingers123

    crispyfingers123 New Member

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    In my original post my first sentence was "The spice of life mod is causing lots of problems with new players." And is the main thesis of this thread. Also most people do not have access to a fruit of Grisaia and it makes it harder to get one when you are worrying about what to eat
  14. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    When posting on a public forum, especially a forum that has vested, opinionated members such as this forum. I try to remember three things;

    * If I post this, am I ready for different opinions, and to hear these.
    * Is my post constructive in general.
    * Can I post in a manner; that is respectful, while getting my point across.

    I don't mean to attack you, I just find that instead of taking other opinions into account, that people feel SoL is fine, you seem to be attacking them, and replying sarcastically instead of taking time to actually think about, and when they reply, you negate them, by saying that's not what you asked.

    Other people have opinions, have put forward them, and I ask you to respect that. Several players have commented that they, and other players haven't had issues with SoL, and have gave easy early game ways to conquer this realistic mechanic. Such as, Cooking with Blockheads, early nutrition rings, lunchboxes, berry to reset counters.

    Once again, I don't mean to attack you. You just appear to come off offensively to me, and I ask you to consider opinions.
    AceOfBases, profrags and julio1237878 like this.
  15. Death_Stapler

    Death_Stapler Well-Known Member

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    It was annoying for me at first, but once I found Cooking for Blockheads, it became more enjoyable.

    I don't find the game quite as rewarding when things become too easy. I like that food is a viable commodity. It give me something to sell on the market.

    If you or anyone else is in dire need of food and I'm on, let me know. I'll cook something up and send you some.
  16. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    I really don't think that SOL should be disabled mainly because it encourages you to go into this mod that isn't often used in packs called "cooking for blockheads". Usually people don't bother with food farms in modpacks and just setup some wheat or kill cows when they see them but by doing so you could possibly be missing out on farming or food mods in the pack! Btw have you not used pams before ;p? There is ALOT of different foods that are easy to make if you just setup a farm for the plants and agricraft makes farming 10x better since your able to speed up plant growth and raise plant gain!
  17. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    every month we get a poll by a player, not liking SoL because they are just lazy!
    Removal is voted against in the passed and will be in the future nothing changed since 1-1-16 =]
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  18. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I barely notice SoL, there are many ways how to avoid it. It isn't causing any problem.

    Get soybean -> icecream and you will be fine.

    That is why I vote, I don't care.
  19. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Spice of Life is the only mod that gives boring other mod Pams Harvestcraft any right to exist.
  20. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    yes i vote on remove it only because i liked the old way 20 foods was good for me i had a base made out of natura bushes for my food so 20 foods was nothing to me but 30 hunger now thats a pain for tht :(

    remove the mod voted to yes

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