On Infinity Expert Node 4 Is it possible to allow the EnderIO Killer Joe to slaughter non hostile mobs such as iron golems, chickens, etc on a claim? I read through GriefPrevention (protect your land) — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation When I try /trust [EioKillera] it will say, "No player by that name has logged in recently." Just to see if maybe the name is wrong, I also tried other names on that list and got the same message as above.
Yes. If there is no claim, the joe will be a killer. If it is on a claim, it cannot attack certain mobs.
ot It will swing its sword but it cannot hurt players. It is a fake player. I assume that means the pvp rules apply to it. I suggest trying in game on an infinity node. Make a claim. Make a killer joe. Give it a weapon. Give it nutrient distillation fluid. Place mobs in front of it. If the mobs are animals such as sheep, chickens or pigs it will swing and be unable to hurt them. It acts like it is a player on a claim that it has no trust to. Place hostile mobs in front of it. It will begin attacking and killing those mobs.
ya i have one set up my self node 3 not the hard mode and i believe i was been hit cude be the sword im usein all so i guess with the pvp it would take it as a player[DOUBLEPOST=1458318434,1458316778][/DOUBLEPOST]ya i test it my self and it wont kill tham cude be coz of the pvp
Wurger. I've run across the same issue. I toyed with every setting I could think of and was never ever to get it to kill peaceful mobs. In one build I ended up moving the trap to the edge of my claim so the machines were 1 block inside my claim but everything was outside. Unless I'm missing something, it is either coded as such or there is a setting in a mod.
I can confirm this is true the killer Joe does not kill passive mobs this I believe is disabled by ftb
wurger are you usein the killer joe to kill all your mobs or do you have other spawner set up coz i no it not what you may of wanted to do but you cude set up a guinder with the killer joe to do what you what
Just checked the config, looks like we had a typo in the name ( [EioKillera]) Should be fixed with the next restart.
You need need to use the trust command, the fakeplayer already ignores all claims. Please test if the killer joe works now.