Done Lost all of my stuff in alternate dimension

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Lord_Domo_, Mar 20, 2016.

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  1. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    6:42 PM
    Hi all,
    I have been playing for this server for quite a while and I have just lost all of my stuff (That was on me) due to a bug. As you may know, in the Witchery mod one of the strongest bosses is called a "Lord of Torment" He is a pain to summon and a bigger pain to kill. When I summoned him, I brawled with him for a little while until I got him to half health and he teleported me to the torment dimension (Nothing out of the ordinary here). When he got there he had been set back to max HP and I thought: How odd. Is it meant to do that?. I continued brawling with him but as soon as I got him down to about 450/500 he would just reset. I kept hitting him and hitting him because I really wanted the Soul of Torment, an item that he drops. Eventually I realised he would not die and I tried to tp home but he was pursuing me too well and I died.... I lost a lot of stuff but the most important being my Mystic Branch and the Soul of Torment I would have obtained, I don't know what to do about this, whether I can be sent back to the dimension or whatever. If the staff team is willing to refund my items I am willing to provide a list. I didn't think about recording it or screenshotting or whatever, all you have is my word. I suppose you can ask people I have interacted with for proof as to how far in I was to witchery, I am a lycanthrope, infused, I have a coven of 6 witches as well as a cat farmiliar. Please help me get this sorted!

    Kindest Regards, Domo.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Sorry, no refunds, it's a shame, and how did you lose the soul of torment you "would of obtained" also: his health going up is normal iirc
  3. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    Uggh, no refunds but could someone tp me back to the dimension? I am so sad that I lost it all, I lost the soul of torment I would have obtained because I dealt over 1k damage to him (Over double his regular hp) and I will be working on getting my old stuff back for a long time before I get to where I was. Bugs screw me so frequently it is quite depressing...

    EDIT: I am not sure if you understood me correctly but, I was smacking him with a 32 dmg sword with a strength potion, no boss is meant to regen that quickly.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Lord of Torment - Witchery Mod for Minecraft
  5. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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  6. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    While I sympathize with your massive setback. It's always horrible to lose progress. :3

    Chugga, is correct. The Lord of Torment is insanely powerful, it took me using an endgame flans weapon gun while being a vampire and multiple god apples + Another armored tricked out player who specialized in witchery.

    We barely won, I was using the gun + a 40 damage crossbow, it was insane. The wiki states the fight as an "arduous fight." This is correct, while losing stuff does suck, this is not a "bug". I could be wrong, but I remember this being in line with Torment's behavior and regen capabilities.
  7. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    But I don't think you guys realise it isn't, since this I have been into creative on a single player world and recreated the scenario, (when I did it I was using god apples myself aswell as a 184 DMG CROSSBOW) I had completely different results, his healthbar went down as it did in the first portion of the fight, albeit slightly more difficult. This was a bug and not just a powerful boss...
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Also, we will investigate if this is a server issue or not in regards to just how arduous he is.
  9. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    6:42 PM
    Thank you, it would be greatly appreciated!
  10. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

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    The boss should not be that strenuous to defeat (I kill that guy for sport) the only boss that should fall under the difficulty of super hyper op undefeatable God is The Shade of Leonard. I've done witchery front to back over 50 times. Torment is not hard to kill, in fact you can kill the guy in diamond armor with at least 4 notch apples. Unless infinity buffs him? (Leonard is easy to kill too if you can exploit his weaknesses ;))
  11. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    Thanks, I am a huge fan of witchery too and I have done the mod tons of times, in full draconic armor he eventually wore me down.
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:42 PM
    Closing issue as it is working as intended.

    Kill him with witchery stuff
  13. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

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    @BookerTheGeek did you check if there was a problem with KCauldron? In my experience he is easy to kill, just get full red and gold heart canisters and diamond armor with prot 4 and a sharpness 5 sword and you can take him down in 5 minutes
  14. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    cough cant tag him cough
  15. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

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  16. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I have killed him in unenchanted Terrasteel armour, equivalent to diamond with a minor regen buff with similar damage output to Sharpness 5 on the Civilization server. Unless Infinity's version of KCauldron makes some major change to mobs, which seems unlikely, this is not an issue with KCauldron, it is an issue with you.
  17. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

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    @The_Icy_One this isn't my problem but the boss (the way the post owner states it) regens similar to the chaos dragon. Torment has a regen rate similar to the wither which is about 1.50 hp every in game second (depending on tps) not 50 hp every in game second....
  18. Lord_Domo_

    Lord_Domo_ New Member

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    Wow this is a lot of community versus admin, but I want to tell you all to stop worrying about me. I quit this server because quite frankly, I was very mistreated by the staff. I was revoked freedom of speech, wrongly punished and was not supported when I needed it. I am sure some self-righteous staff will come and defend themselves but to be honest, I probably won't reply. I know for a fact that not all of the staff are like this, but, the 4 or 5 staff members that I have met with ingame have been atrocius. Some staff tped to me and proceded to just harass me, moving dragon egg, breaking stuff, summoning mobs, all while refusing to solve my issue. I am sure screenshots will be asked for and I don't have any, nor do I remember the names of the staff of whom harassed me. I simply ask that those of you playing on the server open your eyes a bit and look at what it really happening. People getting muted left and right? Yep, not fun. I really enjoyed this server but the staff are uber-strict on players and yet abuse rules themselves.

    Good day, Domo.
  19. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    6:42 PM
    not being funny but im about 99.9999% sure staff have done little to nothing wrong!
    no being funny with you but why do you think there are rules? to be followed if they collapsed the rules for you everyone would want the same
    also i find it really difficult to belive that any staff member would do that and if they did you give staff a time and a location and they can and will check the logs. and how do you work out staff abuse anything staff help players like you for free get nothing out of it them selfs and you are giving them a bad name not being funny with you but that sounds like you are throwing your toys out of the pram because staff wouldnt do what you say. so just dont slag staff off dude its really really not cool!!!!!!!!!!! encase i didnt get my point across effectivly
    1. staff have most likly done nothing wrong
    2 stop throwing your toys out of the pram
    3 rules are there to be stuck to not ignored because you say so
    4 staff members are lovely people that help the community and get nothing out of it
    5 this type of slander is not cool dude dont even dis staff
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  20. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    I would like to point out that we have a complaints section. If you have any problems with another player or staff please file a complaint. The forums is not somewhere to rant about opinions on staff or how they do their job. If you feel staff are in error please report them so we can ensure that our staff consists of the right people.

    This issue is resolved. Any further attempts to berate staff will do nothing but incite drama and disorder. Submit a complaint.

    Complaints against players and staff.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
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