This was discussed a bit in game earlier, but we have noticed some things not being spawned in the farmworld, and I believe it's because of the "realistic world gen." Suffice to say, hives are not spawning anywhere that I've looked, and other have reported a lack of Thaumcraft obelisks. Not sure if anyone else is noticing this issue, but felt I should bring it up here.
95% of obelisks in the farmworld dont lead anywhere as it is only suppost to generate in the overworld
If you go through a obelisk in the farmworld they will not generate what it needs and you will spawn in the void, from this we ask that you use the obelisks in the overworld.
Understood, as for cultists, which seem to be extinct, do they have any influence on progression? If they do Is there a possibility to sell soul vials or mfr nets with said mobs at spawn? Possibly in a trade-o-mat?