Decided Against The stupid rule

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by CamDyl, Apr 11, 2016.


Keep the rule or remove it?

  1. Remove it

  2. Keep it

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  1. vezrilx

    vezrilx New Member

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    4:57 AM
    I dunno... Squatting is a thing. What if an area seems pretty unused but you could tell someone was around - sometime in the past - and it's sorta ruins now?
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    i think what staff are trying to say is dont touch anything you didnt place or that isnt world gen.
    and keep in mind this is for your protection :)
  3. vezrilx

    vezrilx New Member

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    I understand that, I thought this post was to discuss whether it's an adequate solution and if there are better.
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    the issue is no staff member has said this is up for debate sometimes you just have to accept what staff have told you though this can be frustrating (trust me ik there are a few rules i dont like) :)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  5. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    You made this rule? please clarify with staff...
    I had an unclaimed digital miner that was stolen because claims wernt allowed in the nether and i was told. "we dont look for items if u dont bother to claim them"
  6. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    If you can tell me 1 mod who is not trying to return you the items then your argument is valid but we always try to return the items. unless someone keeps his main base unclaimed all time and we have to investigate cause the player is to lazy to claim we nearly always are able to return the items
  7. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    * When possible Wolf ;)
    Scull likes this.
  8. CamDyl

    CamDyl New Member

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    Alright i understand your reasoning but lets say this. What if someone was banned would there stuff be fair game?
  9. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    No, it is not fair game. Nor will it ever be. When people are banned for any time longer than 2 weeks the claim is updated with an automatic /absence command so the claim is there to stay for 30 days and will reset just as any other claim that is abandoned after that time period.

    You're not allowed to gain items by removing them from others without their consent or knowledge of you doing so. The simple "if it isn't yours don't touch it" saying should honestly cover that and be easy to understand.
  10. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Lets put it in simple terms.

    There is only ONE instance where it is not against the rules to take items, which is when the owner of the items/base gives you permission to do so.

    I apologize if you disagree, however those are the rules which you agreed to, and they will be enforced regardless of individuals' opinion(s) of them.

    Cantiel and johnfg10 like this.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure you are understanding what's being said like snowfox and draven said no stealing ever. just don't its not allowed as simple as that whether the person is banned or moved to the moon its not allowed :p
  12. Fuujin2Raijin

    Fuujin2Raijin Active Member

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    I brought up the claim topic today and the mods were too stubborn to even listen to reason (and a lot of back talking and discovery of loop holes and the fact that unclaimed is the same as other unclaimed (aka wilderness))[DOUBLEPOST=1462342036][/DOUBLEPOST]
    that is just a load of bull you know, and so if I made items and placed them all over the place would they still be allowed to claim or not? since they would be "stealing" if they could claim still and if not the I can own the world if I wanted to couldn't I?

    like I said loop holes in the end its a stupid rule

    also heres a suggestion to that change the server to a towny server and change it to a pvp server so you have way less complaints and everything can be managed much easier than it is now, also with a towny server you can have people join more often then currently due to town taxes that way they have to come on to keep their town up and for people that want to raid its much easier to do so since it will be their fault for not being on.
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  13. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    10:57 AM
    if you are going to purposely throwing all your items over the whole world i would count it as destroying the environment and thats against our rules. also i highly suggest you dont harrass any of our staff members since im highly alergic against that
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  14. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    people could do the same with claims so what? limit amount of claims? the thing is if a new player starts and hasnt voted before and doesnt understand how it works they should be robbed? no. this has been discussed several times now read throw everything thats been said and think about it logicly the main reason u want this unbanned is to rob someone im guessing(normal the reason) how would u feel if this happened to u what if u just joined and got robbed? ik if that happened to me i wouldn't of stayed for very long and when i started i didnt have a clue about claims and the claiming system so people can just take a new players stuff really?

    plus like werwolfi said
    there are other rules read all of them most stuff is covered by something
  15. Fuujin2Raijin

    Fuujin2Raijin Active Member

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    how so placing items destroys the world? no the rule is destroying it as we speak.
    harass them is the players job their supposed to keep things in order if there's a rule that someone with a higher rank made they follow it no?
    as well if the players didn't speak out then you would have a community full of bored out of their minds heck you wouldn't have a community[DOUBLEPOST=1462343132][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I already know how it is I've had that dozens of times so what did I do? I got the upper hand on them became smarter and besides who would raid noobs theres no fun in it anyways

    sleep time
    I'll be back <-(terminator voice)
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    he said destroying the environment not the world very diffrent this is against the rules.
    no no and no staff here spend there spare time helping the community and do u know what they get ... nothing so not it is not your job to harass them even if they were paid (which there not) speaking out is diffrent to harassment very diffrent well staff.
    final does it look like there is a community here cause it sure does to me so staff are doing something right
    King_Cronus likes this.
  17. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Some general things from me:

    1. Moderators don't get any payment here, but believe me when I say that it is the best payment of all to see the happy look in a poor victims eyes (digitally speaking), when you are able to return the stuff he/she lost in a robbery.
    2. This follows directly from (1) and comments on a post from Lucid earlier: Same as (1) gives you joy, it gives you even more joy if you "run out of time to return stuff" to a serial lazy non-claiming staff-abuser who "can't be bothered to claim his area".
    3. The initial claim blocks and the ones you get from from voting are enough to claim all the stuff you need. On day one you already have 100 blocks and additionall 400-500 from voting, that is 2 chunks for a non-donator. Each day gives you 400-500 more.
    4. Don't quote me on that and I cant speak for staff here, but I am sure that if you have done a really good looking and large structure, e.g. like a city for example, it is still a possibility to make a ticket and ask for an admin to check it out and give you additional claim blocks to claim it all.
  18. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    The problem with big any server like this is that no matter how many rules, and punishments you put in place to discourage greifing, or stealing, there will ALWAYS be people who try to break the rules. and if someone finds a loophole a lot of the time they will exploit it. This is why we need to ban dupe glitches and emc loops, This is why we need to ban pvp when we already have anti-pvp systems, This is why we need to ban greifing when we already have (almost) sufficient protection against it.
    johnfg10 and Snowfoxs like this.
  19. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Coolgi3000, it would be near impossible to patch all exploits. We are volunteers. we do not get paid for this, this is not our full time job.

    So what I'm getting from you (Unless I've misunderstood) is that we should make it our responsibility that players follow the rules by making it impossible for them to be broken? Lets have an example; Facebook is a multi-billion dollar company, and can afford a plethora of developers and other staff, yet they do not make it impossible to violate their rules, and some people will find loopholes to exploit. What is their solution? They simply ban the offending user.

    Sound familiar? Its because it is unfeasible to dedicate the amount of time required to make sure people don't break the rules, rather than simply removing the ones who do break them.
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    No thats not what im saying. im pointing out that no matter what measures are put in place there will always be people who find a way around them. thats just a side-effect of having rules and just because people can break the rules doesnt mean they should. and because they shouldn't they do.
    I am most certainly not trying to criticize the staff, they have all done a great job thus far, i am simply attempting to explain to anyone who agrees with this thread why we have to have rules like this.
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