Unfortunately, deleting islands/claims while the server is running usually results in a crash. We do the cleanup by modifying the region files directly before the server loads the world.
Fyi, I have already planned to make a ClaimDeleter version for islands before this thread. Not sure when it will be done but I will add it then to infinity skyblock and project ozone.
Not sure what the chances of the MFR Chunk loaders being changed. people load their bases 24/7 and it makes it VERY laggy. (I would say its my computer but this is not a cheap computer, Granted not expensive but its not a low end computer)
There's a difference between FPS lag and TPS lag. FPS is caused by your PC not being able to render the game due to there being too much crap (or badly coded crap) on the screen. TPS lag is when the TPS drops and you have to break/place blocks multiple times. And is caused by either the network connection, or the server being bogged down. A base being loaded wont effect your FPS unless you are looking directly at that base while its inside your rendered chunk area.
how about putting a message in chat that all chunk loaderrs will be removed on this dd/mm/yy day then each player can replace them afterwards that way active people still win and no loss of an island that may still be in use