What about you unlock the end via the /is menu? Just like with the biomes you can be a island level or buy it with MyM's. Once you have unlocked it it is free to teleport
seems strange to add hardcore ender expansion, and not even be able to go to the end, it works in single player too, so it must be a setting on the server that is causing it to not work
Changeing the dimension ID didn't worked. I could make it so that you get telported to the end if you place the portal. So to enter the end you need every time a portal. What do you think?
I would take that solution....i dont think people hop beetween those dimensions so often. Its more like a limited discovery and the portal isnt that expensive.
Hmm, what about when the island leader places one down it grants everyone on the island a tp to end via the /is menu? And if it isint the leader it's a personal unlock? Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
I can't do this but @knoxz or @MaxUumen if they want? And I would definitely change the recipe of the portal
If you have to make 1 portal for each visit then it should be fairly expensive, but not early game. What about a bucket of resonant Ender surrounded by normal ender pearls? Just so you need a basic power setup. Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
If you can get 9 Eyes of Ender for every time you want to go to the end, you probably have a pretty good power setup already :3
I would like the idea of the teleport on placing but balancing the item will be interesting. It has to be ender based so how about enderium block surrounded by 4 ender blocks (melting enderpearls into smeltery) and 4 eyes of ender. I think its fairly dificult and people can always set home like I did on the moon @SirWilli
Not all players have a home point. You think the default recipe is to cheap if you allways need 9 eye of ender to enter the end?
All players should have the /sethome function and its not that often someone will enter the end especially because the end has a set spawn. It would also be interesting to have an open world to place blocks and have this spawn area so it also would be smart to set up a safe zone if we do go pvp. Unlike the nether which is endless, the end only has its 1 main island with sub islands from hardcore ender expansion, this could mean there will be a quick drop in resources
Is PVP already decided in the end? If that is still up in the air...My vote is definitely no PVP in the End. Some players like PVP, some don't. (I am firmly in the don't group.) It be nice if we could serve both groups. The nether seems like the right place for PVP. I think the packs many of us haven't played (AG+'s ender expansion and GC) should be no PVP or at least be able to toggle (without a tier 4). That way we could experience the mods without getting punk'd. (I wouldn't care if we didn't risk losing all our gear.) This would also allow both groups of players to have their preference represented.
I disagree about that there should definitely be a safe zone but pvp should make the end a little bit interesting. Also a good way to get to the end would be to have a hopper at spawn so if you throw in a ender cake it places it down by autonomous activator the cake has a good recipe and would see fair to me. Once the cake is eaten you go to the end
What happens if you throw in the wrong item, or miss entirely? What about if somebody has a mysterious magnet and pulls the cake away from the hopper?
What about making the ender dragon spawn egg craftable? Make it extremely expensive. Then you have to fight it in the nether or even on the moon or mars? Then when it dies it spawns a portal Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone