Today SirWilli and Leglerm found the huge lag source that was/is keeping the Agrarian Skies Servers (maybe others too) on their knees. It is the cabinet from extra utilities. One of these little *** caused the server to go from +20tps to about 6tps with a connection to conduits/me system. (tested multiple times by removing and replacing) Unfortunately this issue didn't appear in opis and visual vm profiling which is why we hadn't found it yet. This item will get banned on all our servers and we will look into a possible fix later. In this heavy case I have to say performance first!
I'd strongly suggest running ingame hourly announcements for a couple days before banning them to give people a chance to empty any cabinets they already have in use.
umm that means that my base on the monster server IS causing all the tps problems, nevermind that but we have TWO bases and THAT is the scary part
I went with chests (iron atm, but I'll upgrade to diamond ultimately) with storage buses. It's fine for early bees but once I have thousands, I'll probably make a separate ME system for them.
two questions, one is it only the basic one or is it also the advanced one? two, is there any other block similar to this one that it stores many of the same items and will keep its content when broken.