future of Civilizations

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by johnfg10, Apr 24, 2016.


1.7.10 or 1.9?

  1. 1.7.10

    9 vote(s)
  2. 1.9

    18 vote(s)
  3. 1.8

    3 vote(s)
  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    5:24 PM
    Glad to see Civilization is still going.
    I did not abandon this project because of lack of interest... I had some personal things i had to deal with. I just got back home this week, i need to wind down, then start looking into 1.8.

    I am not fully back, but i may be working on a new pack for 1.8.9 (was going to do 1.9 but that is still a long ways from being ready)
    As for the 1.7.10 pack, i would not expect it to have much of a future left. It has ran its course.
    While making that pack i have learned a lot, when i do make my next pack... I will have a better understanding of how to make it have synergy.

    Possibly as early as the beginning of next month, i will start to brainstorm and seek out ideas from you all.

    @johnfg12 Thank you for looking after the pack while i was gone. Could you PM me with all the changes that you made
    johnfg10 likes this.
  2. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    @Krhymez I'm sorry I never got to build a Dinosaur park on Mars.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  3. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    @johnfg12 Press F to pay respects to civ
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  4. Jamie_Day

    Jamie_Day Title of titles

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    How easily you forget that John has the Necronomicon! AHAHAHAHAHHAAH @johnfg12 CANT FRIGGEN WAIT MAN!!! WHOOOOO!!!
  5. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Can't reserect something that's dead
  6. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Lol that's what reserect means :p
    profrags likes this.
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    ;) the way I see it is that there's nothing keeping people on the pack
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Hense rebuild etc
  10. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Your not really selling it to me here John ;)
  11. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    If you want players to have to specialize into certain classes via limiting crafting and such check out the Progression mod.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  12. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Perfect for what I'm thinking

    All the ideas I have right now this will be very very fun[DOUBLEPOST=1461599861,1461593239][/DOUBLEPOST]
    No I can't sell something I havnt planned yet[DOUBLEPOST=1461600890][/DOUBLEPOST]I've added a 1.8 option
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    WB! i hope you're fine, maybe you and john could work together for it
    When did YOU come back lol, but yhea, that would work well
    johnfg10 likes this.
  14. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Civ doesn't need a reset, it needs a purpose. A niche. What does Civ do that no other server does? If you can't answer that, then kill it. If you can answer that, then work on that aspect more, and bring that part to the forefront.

    Khrymez left, for whatever reason it was, and is back, yet apparently has no interest in picking it back up and continuing to develop this pack. So, the knees got cut out from under it. So, the talk again turns to 'revamping'. The problem is, you gain a bunch of people when something new comes out, for a brief time. If there is no hook, you lose them again just as fast as soon as the 'next' new thing comes out. If the hook is there, you keep them. Find Civ's hook, and you don't need a reset. Capitalize on all the things that are already there, rather than throwing it all away just to reset and gain a brief player surge.

    Personally, I think that the hook for Civ is the town angle. No other MyM server has the open-world, "town" feel that Civ has, as far as I've seen. I'm certainly not familiar with every MyM server, so feel free to point out the ones that do. Second life, and other open world games have done fine. Create a community, and a persistent world, and then attract the gamer that desires that dynamic.

    Every time you reset a server, you lose some of your long-term players. These are your bread and butter. You gain new players, to be sure, but again, there better be something to keep them, and bring the old ones back.

    Crash Landing is still 1.6, and still has a following on MyM. It's not new, not glamorous, doesn't have super complex recipes, no magic, and no grinding for resources. It breaks most of the 'rules' you're coming up with for a new Civ, so how is it still around? Figure out why that is, then apply the same rules to Civ.

    I don't want to see Civ get reset, or nuked. I'd like to see someone who is committed to its success take it over, and start applying real-world marketing principles. Marketing isn't magic, it's just a bit of work.
    - Find your target customer.
    - Discover what they need/want.
    - Look at existing products in the space and determine what they are lacking.
    - Produce what your customer wants, with something to differentiate it from existing products.
    - Follow up with your customers and find out what's missing, and how they like what you're producing.
    - Tweak as needed
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Well from my and I believe krhys thinking we have both learnt a lot from civ as a mod pack and will both be able to make a far superior pack because of civ the issue with civ currently we can do very little to improve the pack so we now need to make a new pack inspired by civ this pack will give us infinity more control and allow us to make a overall better pack
  16. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Civ needs that edge, like modded factions, or something that will stand out from anything atm its stuck blending in with all the others
  17. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Better in what way, specifically? Again, new is not better. It's only new. Until the new new comes along. Then it's old.

    Civ doesn't need a new civ. It needs to have a raison d'etre. Find that, and the existing map would be fine. Don't find that, and the next civ will have the same issues.

    Khry really hurt the pack by leaving right away.
    Your absence sealed the deal on the current iteration, so far. In case you hadn't noticed, the big draw for the first version, and for this one, was the people involved. When they left, so did the following.

    People give a pack longevity. Community. If you liked the community, you'd keep coming back to it, regardless of how polished the pack is, or what mods it had, or how many 100s of points of damage you could do with your pinky finger.

    What is the central point of your next modpack? What sets it apart from every other pack?

    Edit: Stop saying "Hence rebuild/new pack". Essentially, you're saying "My last product failed so I'm making a NEW product! It will surely succeed because it's NEW!".

    No. It won't succeed because it's new. It will succeed if it has something people want. And, if you can identify what people want, you could simply implement it now in the current pack, without tossing it in the trash.
  18. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Hense rebuild/new pack
  19. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    thats why a considerable amount left ozone because of superior problems you need to appeal to players and make them happy or you want get anywhere
  20. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    We are not 100% sure yet we krhy has been back a day I've got some ideas but it is far far to early for public announcements

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