I put 3 legendary phasers on the market last night. When I logged in this morning I only had one left. But there was not a book that showed it was purchased. Instead I now had one of them sent to me by Ahnlmal and I was now selling a Teleposition focus from Tyler489. When I pulled out the rifle I gained 164 Myms which was about what I would have gotten had I sold one of those guns. When I look at the gun I got it states it is Unsignable, which is what the normal books say when we get them after an item sells. After speaking with Ahnlmal he did purchase one of my guns.
The focus appeared in the market being sold by me after (I'm assuming) you purchased something from me. I definitely didn't put it up for sale myself.
Since there is a post on market problems I will post something that happened to me. About 2 days ago all of a sudden I got a lot of chargers from ae2 pop up in the market under my name and they were being sold. I never even made one on the server yet.
Yea, I saw the charger listing and was going to buy them, but when I click on it, it doesn't tell me to click again to confirm it Also, I bought a chargepad and it gave me the transition book and had the chargepad listed on the market for sale under my name
he he sounds like something to do with meta data and nbt data ect but idk really just guessing try getting a phaser and using it a bit then put it up see what that does
well, this was pretty late, but, I had 3 legendary phaser rifles on the market, but when I was going to relist them with a cheaper price, there was 1 left, with no transaction books of the others