Yeah, I could have posted that one, I didn't feel like it. I like the one I posted better. So no thanks.
Kazeodori! Lucid! People! I want an answer to my question! Not a derailment! Do I need to use the report forums so SirWill can deal with you! Talk about not being helpful! At least Draven was somewhat nice!
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define a "t" #define b "W" #define c "h" #define d "a" #define e "s" #define f "d" #define g "n" #define h "r" int main() { std::cout << b c d a << " " << e a d g f d h f e << "?" << endl; return 0; } do you speak of for this thread, it's all just a bunch of code jokes, also in your original post that wasn't CSS, that was HTML, get it right sometimes
You never even had this train on the rails, so how can we derail it? More like we started pushing and making it move. There's even coding for putting it on rails. Rail - Esolang Code: $ 'main' (--): \ | /---------\ | | | | \ /-io-/ \---e-< \-#
Don't really care. Been fighting with the spigot API/Java all afternoon, the most impressive thing I've done is when running /admin the player is on fire. Do you think I'm in a good mode for this sample code?