Chunk Loading and Donators

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by zim3442, May 10, 2016.

  1. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    In summary this is a suggestion to implement functionality which gives donors access to the existing chunk loading system without the need for interacting with the vote system.

    I appreciate the needs of the server in voting, and the need to deal with chunk loading on server performance, and do not wish to imply that I am against the existing system. Furthermore I agree with asking the general player base who do not donate to the server to vote. However where this starts to lose my support is the requirements for donors to continue voting as a regular occurrence in order to benefit from the chunk loading system.

    Putting aside my desire to assist the server upkeep, one of the largest reasons for me personally donating is to avoid interactions which require me to perform an action external to the game. For example I much prefer donating to gain access to more claim blocks rather than needing to vote. I find interacting with the voting sites a very negative factor on my overall enjoyment. Subsequently I would strongly desire that some consideration be made in relation to donors and how they interact with the chunk loading system.

    Obviously I think the implications of giving donors the biggest/best version for free would be a bad idea, but that is not to say there cant be some entry level functionality we could get our hands on without needing to vote. With this in mind, ultimately I would be happy if I could simply load a single chunk for free, and only when I am online. Furthermore while I only speak for myself, I would not be against the idea of creating another donor tier for covering the cost of this system.

    Thanks for your time.
    Rekalty likes this.
  2. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    The possibility to buy claimblocks with credits might be an idea worth thinking about, but "tier" donators already get a number of claim blocks based on their tier.

    Edit: Obviously I totally misread the whole thread. You are talking about chunkloading, not claimblocks.

    In this case adding a number of tickets that you can get per day like the kits would be an idea.

    Maybe even better: Introduce the "ticket-kit" as an alternative kit-pack which people can choose instead of a armor-kit etc.
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
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  3. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    You mean that gives them like 50 000 Chunkloadertickets per day for, lets say, 3 months?
    Or what do u want to make with it if it was a kit
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    chunk loading tickets in kits is a pretty good idea
  5. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    you can't just give a fixed amount to load one chunk for free as the cost of chunkloading depends on the machinecount.
    So someone would be fine with a 5ticket Chunkloader, while another Player needs 50 tickets.
  6. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Meh. Chunkloading risks alot of server CPU so you should set a max limit. maybe that makes people have to put their automations on like 1 chunk or so.

    EDIT: Would not be bad tho. brings a lil bit of a challenge into chunkloading as well.

    And how about a kit that gives you like the normal voting reward of 50 tokens every day + you can vote extra to get another 50 tokens?
    (Correct me if im wrong, i mean the reward you get for voting)
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
  7. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    +1 for the kit for chunkloading tickets, that's a neat idea
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    What I meant is, instead of choosing a resource kit, where you can claim your ingots per day, you can choose the tickets-kit or the ticketsplus-kit, where you can claim X tickets per day. you still have to type the command to get them. Might be a solution for those 5 people on MyM who would use them.
  9. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    That idea is neat. I like it.
  10. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    Same here, a Ticket Kit would allow donors to maintain a chunk, and if they are in a position where they need to load additional chunks, then they would need to vote, which I think is very fair.
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Personally I wouldn't even use it, since going voting and instead getting those ingots is a better choice for me. But I understand the mindset of the thread opener where he basically uses money to buy a better comfort in his playing experience, maybe at the cost of efficiency.
  12. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Good idea. I support it.
  13. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    I just would switch the offline chunkloading to a donor perk at all.
    There wasnt any offline chunkloading at all a few months ago.
    People were still happy.
    Say people need t3+ to offline chunkload.
    Its costing a lot of server resources that everyone can offline chunkload their base most of the time.
    Rekalty and Fez__ like this.
  14. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    I would say yes to Teir 3+ for offline chunk loading and each donator getting a set amount of tickets per day. For each say you log into the the server you get tickets,

    Teir 5 14,400 a day
    Teir 4 7,200 a day
    Teir 3 3,600 a day
    Teir 2 1,800
    Teir 1 900 a day
  15. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    A compelling argument could be made for this. Server resources cost money, and donators defray that cost. I agree with some perks that donors get, and think that some others are just P2W incentives, but this is a logical reward.
  16. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    I like the idea to disable the offline chunk loading for non donors and this kit thing. I am not against voting either.

    Btw I am not sure that putting all your system in one chunk is more server friendly, maybe a bit more but I am pretty sure that it's the entities of the machine that drain the resource more than the chunk itself

    Voting is sure that annoying but having more people is a good thing too :)
  17. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    I agree. I tend to run pretty small bases, so voting a few times a week to keep my chunks loaded isn't much of an issue, but given that I donated already, I would appreciate that it would count for something, in regard to chunkloading as well.

    Having offline loaders only be for donors, or even high-tier donors seems like a good idea, and either being given a certain amount of chunkload tokens/tickets per day, either as an additional /kit, or simply (if it's simple to do) make so that each kit you open give you a certain amount of tickets, that would automatically give higher tier donors more tickets.

    It does sometimes bother me, seeing non-donors having massive bases that frequently cripple the servers that I play on, with seemingly little care for how much they diminish the enjoyment for others, because they haven't "invested" anything into the server, they lose nothing if they get kicked, and as such, don't need to care about their actions as much.
  18. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    wouldn't work with minecraft eula, as you can't sell perks which aren't available to non-paying players.

    and those bases which costs lot of resources should just get fixed. but thats another topic.
  19. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Well, this is basically "hardware capacity repartition" :p More resources are allowed to people who pay for it, that makes sense to me, not linked to anything non-paying players can't do. They can do the same things as they were on their own world (which shut off when they goes offline) which is free too
    knoxz likes this.
  20. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    People can already pay real money for ingame credits, used for various item packs, which is against the eula, as well as donor perks that give you various items, also against the eula. It's only the latest version of Minecraft that actually blocks access to servers that do not follow the eula, and even that can apparently easily be bypassed by simple removing a file from the mc jar file.

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