AS2 Primordial pearl

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies 2' started by Psanyi, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Psanyi

    Psanyi Well-Known Member

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    We can't get all primordial pearls on our island, becasue for the quests we need 4, and we can only get 1 (or 0 becasue of the void bug). In order to spawn an other dimension you need to create your other portal far away from you other one, becasue if its near it will kink together. It probably needs several chunks between them. But if you go too far you will end up in the void as well. So if you find the right spot you can spawn the portal, but it takes soo many tries, i could create my first portal on my island and it worked, however, my second one didt, and my 3rd and 4th in the nether didn't worked as well. For example Yuwal couldnt spawn the first one on his island becasue he spawn in the void several times. So we really need some solution to this problem, one solution could be that every 3rd day the outer lands gets reseted, but it probably wont help all of us, just for who could spawn the portal first time. The only solution is i think to buy primordial pearls, but the problem is that they are late game items, and they shoud be cost a bunch to prevent unathorized players to buy them, but if you are endgame you can get it easier. The real solution would be to add a crafting receipe but you cant do that on this server. Or maybe spawn the outer lands labirynt buy staff, if its possible.
  2. shanej0306

    shanej0306 Patron Tier 1

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    11:29 PM
    I completely agree. I can't keep wasting resources trying to get another pearl when it's required for quests.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    It's possible to get infinite primordial pearls, idk what you're doing
    profrags likes this.
  4. shanej0306

    shanej0306 Patron Tier 1

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    How can you get infinite pearls? There is only so much space on your island. In I can only imagine staff doesn't want you spawning portals in other dimensions for newer players to jump ahead with
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i can get infinite primordial pearls inside of a 7x7x12 box, so i still have no clue what you're talking about either way
    profrags likes this.
  6. shanej0306

    shanej0306 Patron Tier 1

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    I'm talking about agrarian skies. You have to make a portal In a box to spawn a structure that you put eldritch eyes on and make a portal. Now what are you talking about and please explain how you get infinite pearls
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I will not, for that is something you must discover by yourself, but @Rebelborn (if he sees this) can confirm this aswell that it is possible
  8. shanej0306

    shanej0306 Patron Tier 1

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    Ok. Well I've already been to the outer lands and I have already gotten one pearl. I'm just trying to make a new structure in the outer lands so I can get another.
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    for now, until you figure it out, try the nether and dissassemble the portal you made each time afterward and new locs each time, eventually you should figure it out if you try hard enough with one of the boss mobs....
  10. shanej0306

    shanej0306 Patron Tier 1

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    11:29 PM
    ive tryed that and i just get spawned in the void

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