Skyfactory 2.5 End Game List for the market

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by robzombie91, May 24, 2016.

  1. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    The items listed in this post and any items requiring them are classed as endgame items so therefor should not be listed on the market in this pack!
    Items here are here either due to being endgame, are needed for progression, or the sheer amount of required items
    This list may be edited at any point.

    Donator Kits are NOT allowed on the market!
    Any Item that provides creative flight abilities.
    Any of the AE storage cells.

    Better Builders Wands
    Unbreakable Wands of any block size

    Big Reactors

    Anything requiring Blutonium (Including Blutonium Itself)

    Drops from both the Gaia and Gaia 2.0
    Anything requiring the use of The Portal to the Alfheim
    Flugel Tiara
    Globetrotters Sash

    Draconic Evolution
    All Draconic Items. (Excluding Un-Awakened Draconium Ingots)

    Extra Utilities
    Any 64x Generator
    Activated Sigil
    Unstable Ingots and anything made with them
    Angel Ring (Enables creative flight abilities)
    Pseudo-Inversion Sigil
    Super Builders Wand
    Deep Dark Portal
    Bedrockium Items and quintuple compressed cobblestone
    Ender Quarry
    Ender Quarry Upgrades

    Loot Bags
    Loot Bags are allowed if they are unopened!
    Excluding Normal Chance Cubes and Chance Pendant (LVL 1) since they can be crafted normally

    Magical Crops
    All Accio, Crucio, Imperio and Zivicio Items (Tools, Weapons, Armour, Blocks and anything made with the listed seeds above

    Mine Factory Reloaded

    Laser drill
    Laser Prechargers
    Laser Focus'

    Solar Flux

    Solar Panel V
    Solar Panel VI

    Anything that needs research to make

    Tinkers' Construct
    Enderium Bow and Thaumium Bolt (op crossbow and bolts)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
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  2. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    Edit 1.0: Removed Requirary Items Because the mod doesn't exist anymore
    Edit 2.0: Reworded Zivicio items and added wither star requirements but will be removed by request
    Edit 3.0: Reworked Big Reactors List up to Blutonium restriction
    Edit 4.0: Removed Nether Star from the list (compared to adding cobblestone and diamonds to the list)
    Edit 5.0: Added Chance Cubes and Chance Pendants to be sold
    Edit 6.0: Added 64x Generators of any kind
    Edit 7.0: Removed Witchery
    Edit 8.0: Change Magical Crops Listings
    Edit 8.1: Tons of changes thanks to mod/admin's
    Final Note: Ill be playing on PO2. This list is being handled by the staff.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
  3. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    Please remove "this includes the seeds" since the seeds to make zivicio come from minicio seeds, which are the very first seeds in magical crops and so clearly not endgame.
    Add anything that requires a netherstar to make.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i can kill a wither without armor, what are you talking about with netherstars? they are clearly not endgame at all, unless you don't have witch water or any of the nether, you should easily get plenty
  5. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    Several of the things the original staff post mentioned only required a nether star ( eg creative fly, draconic evolution - some doesnt even require a nether star), so they consider that endgame. Therefore, other things that require a nether star should also be restricted.

    On another note, most of bigreactors is early midgame and not endgame at all. I propose taking it off entirely, with the possible exception of things that require ludecrite. Seriously, why ban graphite when its just coal in a furnace?
  6. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    Ill see to that edit
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    3rd post, done by Benny, a no-longer admin Community Conversation About Endgame items | MineYourMind Community so no, they are not endgame, creative flight is endgame because it "changes the playing dynamic" (so does extra storage mods, golden bags, most protective armors), but that's an argument for the main thread, but no, stars aren't endgame, only SOME of the things they make, using that same logic diamonds/iron/gold/coal is endgame, because they make alot of endgame things
  8. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    I kinda agree with chugga on the nether star debate. You'd technically be arguing on the banning of cobblestone/diamonds side of the debate since they enable the crafting of some end game items. So i went and removed it for now. Please keep commenting
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  10. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    the list was not as important on the old pack, since that server did not have the market plugin. With the market plugin, precise restrictions become more important. Perhaps this is because this list could not really be enforced for private 1 on 1 trades, or perhaps noone read it on the old skyfactory; I do not know, and I did not play the old skyfactory. Applying the current official list to the new skyfactory has several issues, however, such as the diamonds and cobble thing.

    rob and chugga,
    I see where you are coming from, and I agree with you. On the same note, I think selling things made from unstable ingots should be allowed as well.
    Also, zivicio seeds do not exist.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  11. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    and yes sirwill. There are alot of changes from Skyfactory 2 and Skyfactory 2.5 which requires a major list update
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    activated sigil was made endgame, to my very obvious displeasure on one of the pages Community Conversation About Endgame items | MineYourMind Community here, so no, unstable ingots are counted on the endgame lists (for whatever reason)
  13. Dooblemoore

    Dooblemoore Active Member

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    But you literally get sigils from basic loot bags and they are in no way late game; all of the resources they require are beginning resources.

    Besides; the rules on late game trades state that you're able to trade a particular item if the other player is 75% through the mod in question. Since we all start the game in possession of 7 souls, and they are considered the top of the late game items in Extra Utilities, I would argue that everyone who starts the server is 75% or more through extra utilities from the start, therefore the entire argument on that particular mod holds no water.
  14. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    Why is the market enabled anyway? It was disabled on the 2.4 because it honestly ruins progression if you can just buy what you want instead if sieving or grinding for something. Sure this can be said about a lot of packs but I feel like the market shouldn't be enabled.
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    it's for people who might not want to spend absolute hours just to get somewhere extremely basic, such as having a cobble gen. on sky factory 2, it took me well over an hour just to get a sieve, then ~ another 1/2 hour to get the necessary cobble count to get a crucible, furnace, and lava. it takes ages and can be extremely discouraging for new players. it also encourages players to vote if they want to progress a tad faster. just my 10 cents on the subject
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  16. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Moved and stickied

    Is there anything missing off the old list before we decommission it?
  17. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    Nope Lucid. I pretty much copy/pasted from the old list, added the new things and removed things that where not in 2.5. Please if you have anything you want me to add/remove comment.
  18. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Why is Coven Witch Eggs endgame? you get them for trading on spawn something you can farm by killing witches.

    And, can this be moved to EndGame Items (Endgame Items | MineYourMind Community the old list removed and the posts from here deleted (except changelogs)?
  19. DrummerBoyNo

    DrummerBoyNo Well-Known Member

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    For magical crops only minicio items should be sold due to the tiers of crops and th progression
  20. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    It has recently come to my attention that a moderator has been removing "cursed earth" that palyers have been putting up on the market. I do not understand why, as cursed earth is not on the list. In fact, the list appears to have been purposely phrased to exclude cursed earth:
    Instead of saying "Anything requiring the activation ritual", which would be one entry an would include both the above items and cursed earth, the list uses two entries to exclude cursed earth from forbidden items. This would seem to indicate that cursed earth is certainly permitted to be sold on the market.

    Second, in my 8+ months as a MyM member I have played on several MyM servers and cursed earth has been a commonly sold item on all of them.

    Third, cursed earth can be grown like a sapling. No other crops that can be grown in this way are restricted from the market, except high-tier magical crops.

    Finally, in this particular pack it takes more time for a player to get netherrack than cursed earth, due to the ease of acquiring un-activated sigils from loot bags, killing a wither or purchasing them on the market. Since this is supposed to be an end game item list, and the number one indicator of whether or not an item is end game is the amount of progression required to obtain it, it seems that if cursed earth is restricted from the market then dozens of vanilla items such as netherrack should be restricted too. Obviously, this does not make sense since none of these items are restricted. Therefore, cursed earth should be allowed to be bought and sold.

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