MyM Pixelmon MineCraft

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by CraftE_C, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. CraftE_C

    CraftE_C Well-Known Member

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    9:53 PM
    I have noticed that i am usually the only one on the Mine-Your-Mind (Mym) MC Pixel-Mon (Pokemon) server. I usually play that server the most sometimes... But no-one is on the server.

    I understand that there is LOTS of other mod-pack servers and people were exited when it first came out but that has worn off, at least for now.

    But this server is doing good... why? because on one of the server lists i did see it on something near #17 (on the same list, hypixel was #1). and to get higher the server needs votes.

    If the same people are on the other packs but more are on Pokemon, the more Votes MYM will most likely get. But that's only one of the reasons. Anyway here's some solutions to the low amount of players of MC Pokemon (at least on MYM)

    -Make what i call a PokEvent with command blocks at spawn. in the command blocks do this: /pokespawn <pokemon that will be summoned> Use this to Make a >RARE< Legendary spawn event. This will make the server a bit more fun for Me And other people. Here's a example for one of the poke spawn commands
    /Pokespawn Groudon Heres some pokemon that WONT work : resihram, Oh-Ho, and maybe Celebi or whatever (Celebi is the Time-Travel Poke-Mon). Just to tell you... The pokemon dont care what cords you put in, so you might as well forget about them.

    -Don't make the PokEvent To common or people will be to overpowered that it wont be much fun anymore.

    -Maybe people might like a 1 master-ball drop where it drops only 1 master-ball per event. <Optional

    That's some ideas that might help. If you don't use them Or if you do but you might want to add more then you can make up some ideas for yourself. Just saying, It would be a little more fun if people would come on.

    Sorry if that was to much text :\
    JacaRoe likes this.
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Some interesting things ive seen on other servers are a Pokemon lottery where you input a Pokemon in and have a chance to get a legendary
    Problem is that the newest pixelmon is 1.8 and we are stilll on 1.7.10
  3. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    9:53 PM
    That is a sidemod that could be implemented. I'd suggest adding it to Suggestions and Feedback | MineYourMind Community

    The link for Wonder Trade is Wonder Trade - Pixelmon Wiki
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    theres no point Pixelmon is dead weight
  5. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    9:53 PM
    This is also true.

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