What if you could turn in achievements for one time benefits some how? Or even better: things like donor perks that you can only get from achievements! There could be one set of perks that you can only get by donating, and a completely different one (probly less powerful ) that you get from achievements.
thats why i suggested to just extend the afk time for non-donators if they archive some rank, but well, that wouldn't be any benefit for donators so my idea is nuts
Pretty sure it's impossible with the way the AFK plugin works, and why do you need more time AFK anyway?
because when i read up stuff or doing stuff on machines i sometimes get kicked because i didn't move. anyway the whole idea isn't good, because >=T3 donators won't benefit from the perk, as they allready can be afk for "infinite" time.
Guys, servers needs to be paid for This is pretty sure one of the reasons people buy donator tiers. You're fed up with afk kicks? Buy a rank instead of getting to archievments. Guys need to eat
Here is a small list of different names you would call someone that supports something or someone. May work. guardian-angel protector patron saint champion backer supporter advocate benefactor endorser
Would be like this maybe 50 votes = Supporter 125 votes = Protector 250 Votes = Benefactor 500 Votes = Patron 1000 Votes = Champion 2000 Votes = Guardian Angel 5000 = Archangel Then again your list of names Lordicon hehe, change this is you don't like it
To be honest Juli0 I like the order you placed them in. I personally think they look good but its up to the greater powers that be to set them in the files. @SirWill up to you. Unless you are looking for different types of names.
Well I am willing to play here for 3 years. Lets see I will be 41 years old in 3 years still playing here lol