Adrianfish, A Moderator, a friendly soul. Some of us have only known him as that helpful Moderator, but others remember him before his application, when he was one fish in a sea of many others. In my last news post, I revealed Staff was Swat, and Lucid was the Director of Swat. I apoligize for how long it has been since my last review but I've been hiding out in Siberia. Not a good place to get Wifi, ya know? When I first looked into Adrian, he was a clean as salmon. No record, but then I wondered, what instead of looking in the Civi resp, I looked in the Hypo Subdirectories, there I found his past life, marked files about his smuggling endeavors. Adrianfish has a tangled past as a Fish Crimelord, how did he become a member of swat, one must wonder? Swat doesn't know! In my last Article we discussed how Adrianfish admits Swat is Staff, looking back at this! We must wonder, is he a Crimelord Fishy working to bring down Swat from the inside? Only you can answer this! We must also wonder, what sort of coup are they planning!
actually adrianfish is a metapher for a dryin(g) fish. so drying out the syndicate by the inside makes sense.
Thank you. I dedicated my short ten minutes to making up the fac... Errr. Finding the ultimate truthful facts. Adrianfish is guilty. He must suffer.
Aye, there is no more dangerous than the wild, elusive, GamrMom. Talons as sharp as SirWills fingernails. Which are damn sharp. Her growl hits frequencies only Bluu's music is rumored to. (That stuff is nasty, mang.) She is a master of the elusive Mute, you should be worried. Disclaimer: None of this is designed to insult people.