Building Comp Claim/Build Question Based On Absence of Teammate

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by TheVampiricT, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    Hello, MyM Network!
    I have something I need to bring up right here right now - being in a Build Comp for the server and your teammate being gone for it.
    Ok, so this has happened to me!
    Let me start somewhere.. ahh I know.
    So I posted on the forums for the Build Comp #1 by @stijn04356789 that I would love to do the competition and be with someone. Well maybe a couple hours later I got a message from @themadminer123 that he wants to team with me. Great. I have a team-mate and I wanna do the competition!

    The server launches and we start getting resources (mainly me) and around the 3rd or 4th day of the competition we start building and building... Again, mainly me. Everything is his claim, everything. I have no permissions to the claim but to build, just the normal /trust. I had given him all my claim blocks over the course of a few days of voting.

    Now: He has been gone for nearly 5 days now and I have done everything on the base so far. He had set up the Ender Quarry but I have no way of knowing where it is, a big reactor that I made by myself, everything. I cannot find it now... And now when I need to trust someone to the claim (in which I did give him most of the claim blocks for!) I cannot. He owns the claim and I am afraid that he won't be back anytime soon...

    So I guess my questions are:
    1) Is there is any way I can get the claims to be mine
    2) IF I do get any winnings from this, will I be the only one to get rewards? If it is split between us and I did all the work I will be MAD!!

    If anyone from the staff network could provide help with this, PLEASE do!
    With much love,
    - TheVampiricT
  2. You can wait two weeks for the claim to be automatically transferred to you. There has been a lot of discussion about claims and teaming somewhere on the forums.
  3. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    Well the thing is - He was the one who submitted the slip on the forums to enter us. @SanndyTheManndy
  4. But if he will not be on for two weeks the the claim transfers to the first one he trusted, which is you. You may ask staff to transfer the claim to you. As for the stuff you lost, maybe the staff could look them up for you.
  5. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    Oh ok. That would work, I hope. :/ I am alone tho on the build comp D; Which will suck. Whatevs.. @SanndyTheManndy
  6. Btw shouldn't this post be in the support section?
  7. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    Didn't know exactly where to put it.. IDK how to move it either. Staff could tho :p
  8. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    We understand your problem TheVampiricT. Me and prpl have had a small chat about this and at this moment we will not do anything. In two days you will come across the timeperiod that you can transfer a claim.

    So please in case it comes to that, submit a ticket and we will go ahead and transfer the claim to you and change the sign up form for you.

    If you have further questions, don't hesitate to post them.
  9. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    @stijn04356789 & @prple Thank you for your this guys. I will submit the ticket in 2 days time.

    <3 Thomas
  10. themadminer123

    themadminer123 Active Member

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    if you need me to change the claim to TheVampiricT ill come on to just do that
  11. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    @themadminer123 I already to the changed the claim over *had it done today with staff*. I have everything fixed now.
    Soo why did you leave ??
  12. themadminer123

    themadminer123 Active Member

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    I really don't know why.[DOUBLEPOST=1469309006][/DOUBLEPOST]Do you need me to find the enderquarry for you??[DOUBLEPOST=1469309504,1469308847][/DOUBLEPOST]If you want the truth. I got in trouble and I got grounded. I know You will say NO WAY to this. But If YOU do not mind can I team With you And Help Gather THE Resources For the Build You Do not have TO give me any thing From the Contest. IM asking to just give the help get you Resources, Because I LEFT with out telling you and so ya. I don't Want the Reward or anything because I don't deserve it and I know You are mad at me and I just want to try to Help pay back what I did to you. If you say know ill just give you the items I have on me and ill give them to you and then ill Just Leave.

    Themadminer123[DOUBLEPOST=1469310254][/DOUBLEPOST]The quarry:
  13. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    I believe I have most of the resources for the build anyway. We can still team, it was just a big deal to me because I have done most of the build by myself so far. I did get the claim transferred over to me along with the building competition ticket. You can keep the items you have on me and you can stay with me afterwards as well, and I forgive you.
    Yes, I will be taking all the rewards IF I win.

    And No I am not saying NO WAY to you getting grounded, I just wish I had a little insight on when you would be back.

    Thank you for the quarry coordinates as well, but I ended up making a new one yesterday. (I just bought it)

    I might be on later today,
    Thomas (TheVampiricT)
  14. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    If you guys need, you can create a private conversation and talk there..
    ContinuedAsh likes this.

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