Done MFR Quests not completeable

Discussion in 'The Ferret Business' started by Zippity_Doodah, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    I was going through the MFR Quest chain, and thus far I've run into several quests that are impossible to complete due to the Banned Items List... The entire Rednet sub-chain (titled Cabled) and the Chunk Loader from the 'A Loaded Factory' chain, as well as the 'Set and Smash' chain which includes the Block Placer and probably the Block Breaker etc... There is no option for Selecting the task so as to use a RFTool crafter, or other such auto-crafter, to push into a Quest Delivery System block... This makes those quests impossible to complete...

    Not sure if there is any other work around or fix to this?

  2. matiepie2

    matiepie2 Well-Known Member

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    Well I'm pretty sure you can craft banned items but you just can't use them or place them down. Make sure to not shift left click the item and place it into your inventory manually and if that doesn't work try a vanilla crafting table.
    tractoid likes this.
  3. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Well, I tried using a Vanilla Crafting Table (made of oak planks and all) but that did not make a difference, I tried dragging it to my inventory but the banned item warning appears before you can even get a millimeter from the craft window and nothing is made... Tried just left clicking and moving the mouse, same thing... No matter what you try, banned items on this server can not be created or turned in to complete quests...

    The only real solutions are to either have the quest files modified for those quests so the Select option is available in order to use an auto-crafter to push it into the Quest Delivery System, or remove those items from the quests, or hope that they do not matter in the long run and pray I will be able to reach max Reputation without them...

  4. matiepie2

    matiepie2 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure if they changed it, but back when I was playing agrarian skies I needed to craft a rainmaker (I believe) and you could craft it but not place it down even if you tried a block placer as it would disappear. Unfortunately nothing you can really do until an admin or founder enables crafting of the item(s).
    tractoid likes this.
  5. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Pretty much... Even if auto-crafting was able to make the items, without the quest book allowing you to Select the quest to add it to the Quest Delivery System box, it would be moot...

    I appreciate your suggestions though... I may end up opening a ticket if the issue can't be resolved outside of admin intervention...

  6. esracoon

    esracoon Well-Known Member

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    try this, have an ender-io crafter make the item and then have something spit it out on the floor, NOT place, e.g. wooden pipe or dropper. stand next to it (you will get banned item message spam) and open your quest book to the appropriate page and hit manual detect. i was able to do this for some other banned items albeit a pain in the rear.
  7. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Well, not sure if those banned item spam's also spam all the Moderators in game as well... That would more than likely ultra annoy them... It really needs to be fixed on the back end in some way, either remove those quests, change them to auto finish, or allow them to be crafted but not placed or used, or allow the quests to be Selected so as to use the QSD with an auto-crafter... Unsure if there are additional quests later on that are opened by those particular chains or not...

  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Can you please post a list of items which are needed for the quests below?
  9. esracoon

    esracoon Well-Known Member

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    anything rednet related? (not verified)
    slotted book (it is also needed to make atlas (also a quest item)

    i'm sure there are a lot more things, maybe zip knows them.

    side note. one of the rewards from the draconium line was a drac chest. when i got it, it wasn't banned but now it seems so. it is placed in my base with items inside that i currently cannot access. located appx -894, +3184, 65. no big deal right now.
  10. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    The Automation Station Quest chain is mostly MFR Machines and Items:

    - Quest Chain 15 "Automation Station" sub-quest chain "Cabled" step 1 - Item = RedNet Cable (banned item will not craft, quest not Selectable for QSD) - Can not get past this step so I do not know what other items in this sub-quest chain are also banned and not craftable

    -Quest Chain 15 "Automation Station" sub-quest chain "A Loaded Factory" step 2 - Item = Chunk Loader (banned item will not craft, quest not Selectable for QSD) - Can not get past this step in this sub-quest chain, so unsure if additional items may be banned etc.

    -Quest Chain 15 "Automation Station" sub-quest chain "Set and Smash" step 1 - Item = Block Placer (same as above, although this sub-chain may also include other items such as the Block Breaker which I am unsure if it is also banned) - Can not get past this step as above.

    If I run into anymore items that are both banned and un-craftable due to being banned then I will amend this post. Do not know if any further items are having the same issue beyond the steps I mentioned above in those particular quest chains, as I am stuck on those steps.

    The difficulty with this particular Modpack is that it appears that most of the quest chains that are currently included in this version deal with creation of most items related to their specific Mod. So in the case of the Automation Station chain, it is all about making pretty much every single MFR device and machine. Same goes with all the other chains (i.e. Conduit Machinery chain involved making every EnderIO device/machine, etc). So because of this, any items that are Banned and because of this are also uncraftable, any related quest chain will be stuck for any player attempting to complete them. And with so many possible future chains still under construction by the Modpack Author, any future version of this pack will most likely have even more items needing to be created that may also fall into the same predicament.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  11. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    All 3 should be craftable after the next restart.
    Zippity_Doodah likes this.
  12. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Thank you sir...

  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    slotted book has its dupe fixed BTW
  14. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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