Crackpack Extra Utilities Soul Drain

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Triumphator, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Triumphator

    Triumphator Well-Known Member

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    7:53 AM
    On the crackpack server, currently dying does not reset the lost health from soul fragments. In a video by Nebris, it was explained that permanently losing health was not a well-thought out mechanic and so hearts coming back upon death was enabled on the official crackpack server. Also, losing hearts can be buggy and can take 3 hearts instead of one and you can only eat the fragment to get health back once, so 2 hearts can be permanently lost for nothing. That only happens when you save time by shift-clicking, but is an issue nonetheless. I propose that the config for regaining lost health upon death be added back, due to the bugginess and the overkill requirements of the soul fragment system. Seriously, a can already takes 36 diamonds and 116,640 cobblestone and 4 etheric swords; compared to lamps of growth and timewood cores and rituals of the green grove and lilypads of fertility it's ridiculous.
    In the ExtraUtilities.cfg, just change
    to true.
    ScarletHamster12 likes this.
  2. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    It should be set to true because its so annoying to lose your health also it takes hearts from heart cans
  3. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    Although thats a great thing to have, that's not how its meant, It would be op to be able to get a soul for no cost. Also the can has many "cheaper" alternatives its not your only option.
  4. Triumphator

    Triumphator Well-Known Member

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    It wouldn't be getting a soul for no cost, it takes an etheric sword to make a soul, which requires you to activate a division sigil and use 2-18 diamonds. Plus it takes 36 diamonds for the bedrockium ingots, and 116,640 cobblestone, so it's not like you're getting anything for free. It's just enabling the ability to get hearts back because there are glitches where some can be lost permanently for nothing, and also makes reinforced watering cans at least a little bit worth crafting.
  5. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    You say that as if it was expensive. At the point you could make a reinforced watering can you should at least have a ender quarry. You'd have a stock pile of diamonds and cobblestone couldnt be more easy to make. A simple 5x5 cobble farm if done right could get you 100k cobble in 10-15 mins. Now i do understand the glitch and it should be listed on the sword. ex "do not shift click while extracting a soul". Also you don't really need the can as i said earlier there are many better/cheaper alternatives.
  6. Triumphator

    Triumphator Well-Known Member

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    It's not expensive, but it's not "no cost", either. The reinforced watering can isn't that good, yes, and so the permanent health loss comes nowhere near the value of a watering can. As is, it's a permanent handicap that can get rid of up to 35 hearts for not much gain.
  7. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    I see what your saying, maybe suggest a crafting recipe. Something not to expensive but not too cheap.
  8. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    maybe etheric sword in middle, 4 netherstars and 4 bedrockium ingots around to get the soul fragment?

    would also like to see this on infinity servers :>
    King_Cronus and ContinuedAsh like this.
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    On crackpack its intended to go away on death unlike most packs
  11. kkaionsg

    kkaionsg Well-Known Member

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    You guys realise there's a way to earn back soul fragments, right?

    Make the kikoku, gives you a tiny chance of earning back a divine soul fragment, which will repair soul damage.
  12. Triumphator

    Triumphator Well-Known Member

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    You're joking, right? Without a kikoku it's a 1 in 42 million chance and with one it's a 1 in 4.2 million chance, and does not work at all with fakeplayers.
  13. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    Is it possible to change this to be a higher chance in the config? if so just change the config to make it not as rare.
  14. Triumphator

    Triumphator Well-Known Member

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    No, but for crackpack you're meant to get health back on death, and that is what the config is set to when you download the pack. Also, realized while looking through extra utilities config that it is the mod that makes it so wither summoning noise doesn't play unless you're close to it, which is nice.

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