It's about time, that the 20.000'st thread on this forums will be opened. 20.000 funny, sad, informative threads, banappeals, applies, resigns, support questions, bugreports and tutorials. From the little german server Slind and SirWill made it evolved into one of the most-known modded minecraft networks. Almost 3 years ago both started with their network, now we have 11.600 members registered on the forums and approximately over 500.000 unique player joins on the network... just wow... Good to see how far we've come. Now, thank you Slind, SirWill, former staffs, staffs and most importantly: The playerbase. They allow us to keep MyM in such a good environment as its intended to be, having a huge part on its success. Keep up the good work, and stay as you are. Endorian.
I don't want to ruin your thread here, 20k is a nice number. But how many of those 500k people joining did actually stay longer than an hour to play? How many of those 11600 registered players on the forum are participating and how many did register just to post a ban appeal? The whole thing reminds me a bit of big Youtubers, who have 3 million subscribers, but only 200k clicks on their videos. That is not meant to be negative, I just think that most of those numbers don't mean much, compared to the hidden realistic numbers, that mean something.
that reminds me of youtubers with 1 million subscribers and multiple videos with > 1 million views lol (example: )
I wouldn't be here if MyM wasn't a great community. Those numbers I am talking about are probably hidden in the chest under the cookies.
Huh, can't believe it's been so long. Looking back, I certainly didn't expect it to turn out this way... Actually, now I'm wondering: Is there anybody still around who played FTB Ultimate on MineYourMind?
When you've only been here for a year and a half and can't relate.[DOUBLEPOST=1470113218][/DOUBLEPOST]Not all your numbers match up. Unless I have made a horrible, horrible mistake, We're at 126,400. So a little more than 20K
I believe Endorian is referring to the thread count, not the message count. In that case, we are indeed at 18,775 threads, rather than 126,410 posts/messages. I don't exactly know what math Hero is referring to, so I can't verify any calculations. Results taken from the forum statistics box.
So, these were the sources i was relying to: The 19997 shows the number of the actual threads. The number of the discussion excludes deleted threads, and maybe even the ones reserved for staff only. The messages count is probably the number of answers to threads and private messages.
This is a big milestone for the server, and if I may speak for many of the players on the network; We are very happy with the MyM network and extremely glad that you guys (Staff, Network Owners, Etc) have put so much time and effort into creating a community that everyone can play in. Thank you for the hard work AND thanks for the opportunities for many people on the MyM network! Many people may not have played Modded Minecraft without this network, am I right!? I believe this calls for a toast? 'To the Network and Plays the MyM community, We toast to our special achievement and what we still have ahead!' **Clink!** *Chug Chug Chug* Mm Wine