Hey im King4q and im at the end of all the quests on Galatic Science and i was wondering if we could add a new Blood Magic Questline after Questline Number #8 Stargate:SG Minecraft. and if we added a new Blood Magic Questline youd have to get a blood altar then a sacrifical knife and then a blood orb tier 1 and so forth id be willing to help make the quests and rewards if im asked but if you think that we should have a Blood Magic questline or not then reply to this thread and tell me what you think P.S Also it all ready has Blood Magic in the Modpack King4q Signing Off
I dont think that would fit into the theme of the modpack. Its a science/Sci-fi pack not a magic one. I think the idea has been brought up before and turned down because of that, but then again things might have changed since I was in the GS loop
it all ready has Blood Magic Though so the only thing new that would be added is the questline based upon that what do you think
It was added by caith specifically for the use of the blood altar to get the tardis key. He said if there was a way of having just the blood altar in the pack he would have rather done that
The rest of the stuff wouldn't fit in with the pack at all in my opinion. Magic stuff would ruin the tech/sci-fi feel to the pack imo
for starters please dont call me a imo or anything else other than King4q, And/or King although i prefer King anyways if you dont play the modpack and i mean this with all respect you have no right to speak in this forum post
Number 1: IMO = In my opinion. Dont jump to conclusions just so you can act all offended. Number 2: Who says I don't play the modpack. I helped Caithleen with testing a lot of the the pack itself. Number 3: It is not your place to say who has the "right" to comment in any area of these forums. Number 4: If you want to post a suggestion be ready to defend it in a manner other than "its there and I want it" I suggest you change your attitude pretty sharpish.
I don't see where he addressed you as IMO. Second, it is posted publicly and Kronnn provided you with the reasoning behind blood magic being in the pack in the first place, he also explained why it was not flushed out more.
the reason you dont see it is because he took it down and i thank Kronnn for that but if hed just not argue then i wouldnt have a problem with it
Excuse me? I have not edited or taken down any of my posts. Where I used imo is still up there, still meaning in my opinion. Please don't spread such malicious nonsense.
Hey there king4q. Wyndman and kronnn have said nothing rude or offending to you, you might just have misunderstood something. So, to avoide further trouble, please take yourself some time to breathe and read the posts again. It might clear any misunderstandings up. Endorian.
thanks youre the only nice person on here but id like them to understand my point and i will do what you suggested
Keep in mind, that kronnn just tried to tell you why blood magic is no major part of GC, then you understood something wrong. Dont blame them for that, they just tried to avoid trouble
okay i once again thank you but would you delete this post and the other posts on this thread except for my main post and yours and if you like you may delete yours if you delete any of them
Galactic Science is a finished project. Has been for a year now. It does not receive any new features, only bug fixes. Blood magic was only added for a single endgame feature, non of its magic part is in use. Similar suggestions and questions had been around +1 year ago and been denied for the "no magic" reasons. We don't delete posts unless we see the need for it. (attacks, spam, copyright violations...)