aluminum Or Aluminium? i am not asking for what is technically correct, I will post that here after the pole I wanna know what you think it is / what you call it Why ask this? ... Why not?
This reminds me of the Metric vs Imperial... And of course Aluminium, someone could not spell it correctly.
But now the question becomes who is spelling it wrong? And as for metric, just because some country's don't switch to the metric system doesn't make them wrong... Just stubborn And no I'm not saying all of this because I'm American, I actually think America should have switched to metric a long time ago. It's also kinda like pronouncing it gif vs jif they are both technically correct in a way, it just depends on who you follow, the rules of English, or the inventor of the gif files wishes.
Well i say and write Aluminium[DOUBLEPOST=1472134260][/DOUBLEPOST]and in Minecraft, in TiC its Aluminum but in Immersive Engineering its Aluminium
Arent they both right?[DOUBLEPOST=1472137736][/DOUBLEPOST]I thought i remember them being 2 different things
Only the US uses Aluminum just like they are only one of the only countries using the imperial measurements.(Only three are)
Actually when you realize why the Imperial system is arbitrary it has a few things to it: Roman standardization, and it is easily divisible by more than a few items, 12 has the divisors 12, 6, 4, 3, 2, and of course, 1, also, Britan breaks your trend, they weigh people in stones, use pounds/ounces, distances are in miles while speeds are in kilometers, if anything, britan needs to get up to speed than america edit: Stone (unit) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for stones, also all meats are actually measured in pounds and that's why you get arbitrary weights for buying items in the rest of the world, as pounds are a good unit of measure
I have always pronounced it Ah-loo-mih-num but spelt it Aluminium.... Technically, neither are correct and neither are wrong. In ever language, it may not be the same as the next, as when you transition from Old English to Medieval English, to Modern English. It also does not help that 'Modern' English is not the same throughout the world. Particularly, Great Britain/UK. Think of the word colour; in the U.S it is 'Color' while in Europe it is normal for it to be 'Colour.' This is something common between languages. Even Australian English is different than American English or British English. 'Mum' 'Mom' 'Colour' 'Color'. Those are my examples. I remember my teacher once correcting me on my spelling of several other words that are different just because of that extra vowel that really does not make much of a difference.[DOUBLEPOST=1472157818][/DOUBLEPOST] And we do not measure 'MPH' with Kilometres. **You spell that differ... Kilometer VS Kilometres** We have a conversion rate that we use for Miles to Kilometres - 1 Mile = 1.609344002 Kilometres
We don't measure with Kilometres... not at all. Only when we use stuff scientifically... MPH/Speed Kilometres/Length (DifferentUnitOfMeasure!) Much of the word uses different rates for speed (Kilometres=Distance OVER seconds/hour=Time.) Miles per hour and Kilometres for distance are used totally different here in Amerca. (But of course, you are American) I don't know exactly what they call it everywhere but here, maybe KPH? Probably.
KPH would be the rest of the world, an NO ONE in america uses kilometers unless you're from outside of america or a scientist