This is no different than asking someone the correct way to pronounce caramel. Is it KARR-uh-mel, KARR-uh-muhl or KAR-muhl? mmmm I don't really care to be honest because no matter how its pronounced it still taste great over icecream..
What I meant was - Not many people/countries use the imperial system. Whatever...[DOUBLEPOST=1472167701][/DOUBLEPOST] Its not about how it is pronounced but more how it is spelled.
my 2 cents: in Brazil we say "aluminio" and NASA lost a satellite once because the system was programmed in the imperial system but the hardwere was for the metric system
Well now is as good a time as ever to post it. The orrigional namer of aluminum/ium Named it... Drumroll... Alumium No I did not miss-spell that But later he changed it to aluminum And then the British government changed it to aluminium because "aluminum doesn't sound civilized enough" So I guess they are all technically correct depending on if you respect the British government or the guy who named it So from now on I'm calling it alumium.[DOUBLEPOST=1472216098][/DOUBLEPOST]Course I bet about 20 of you already googled that.
Ironically, as a child in the deep south of the US, color was colour...armor was armour, etc. I guess our school was old school as it taught us the older spelling of many words.