Implemented Petition to reset farm world (7-7-2014)

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Rokuta, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Rokuta

    Rokuta New Member

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    Farm world is completely void of any surface resources, there are no cows, ars magica ingredients, nodes are extremely rare, squid are impossible to find, many other things are completely unobtainable.

    Please sign, if enough players agree then they will reset it!
  2. Ghosttail

    Ghosttail New Member

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    "completely void" Can only be taken literally... do a /rt and do some random mining and you'll find even basic resources. I did some exploring yesterday in farmworld and found a number of caves with resources (I did not mine them as I was looking for something particular). You'll find that "completely void" is an incorrect term in this case. You have to account for ores in mountains which people don't waste time stripmining. Try that first instead of caving.

    Mobs are limited to a number per 3x3 chunks, I was told. So either clear mobs underground, or wait until you get the right mobs.

    Ars magica ingredients are indeed rare... especially desert novas. However, aums and blue orchids can be made with a low percentage.
    - aums can spawn with a maturing withwood tree
    - blue orchids can spawn when watering the grass with a watering can

    Squids are, in my opinion, only necessary if you want their skin cells. Black dye can be made with umbral roses or black orchids, which are abundant.
    still... squid will spawn, you just need to be patient.............. which is actually what you should be more; patient.

    I wouldn't mind a farmworld reset, but its not necessary just yet.
    SirWill likes this.
  3. Rokuta

    Rokuta New Member

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    The most important thing is nodes; you -can- find them but getting all the aspects takes 4-5 hours, which just isn't something you can do 10x on the way to being able to get node-in-a-jar

    silverwood trees are almost extinct, and even if you get a sapling the chances of it having a node are 20%.
    Zeltchoron likes this.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    If you kill mobs your wand get charged. That's how thaumcraft works in Agrarian Skies.
  5. Ninjago_Boy

    Ninjago_Boy Member

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    I vote for reset. Reason: Rokuta has a point it takes a while to find good valuable resources but even if we do reset the farm world there are alot of postives to go by. Lots of complaints about the farm world will wither away. And you can just basically find more things that you couldnt find otherwise because of past players that have already taken them. For example, Coven witches. I couldnt find any in the farm world because all of the structures that spawn them were destroyed due to past players. If it was reset we could find alot things new players havnt experienced.[DOUBLEPOST=1404860442,1404860331][/DOUBLEPOST]
    The problem is with squids there are some mods that dont take the black dye. They only take ink sacks. For example witchery and I think AM2 also.
  6. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    I agree we should reset
  7. Delikin

    Delikin New Member

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    If its a problem with nodes you're talking about, I find tons just from flying around with my Goggles on. I also still find a whole bunch of mobs, etc in the farm world. If you're going to start a petition to reset the farm world. I recommend waiting until its mostly drained of resources. As much as some things may be scarce, some of them should be. So thats no reason to reset it just yet.

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