You can use QDS - quest delivery system or/and drawer with void upgrade Buildcraft not avaliable on Hypo
As Messiah7 said, BC is not in Hypo... And manual lava is an ok stop gap for items, which I've had setup already... But I'm trying to determine if there is a system in the pack for voiding liquids and items that can be piped in... The liquid voiding is really what I care about the most... Because manually bucketing out hundreds of buckets of liquid to place into a one block space as a means of getting arid of liquid, will become extremely time consuming and ultra annoying... Being new to some of the mods in this pack, I have no clue if anything in the pack offers any voiding without BC or Trash Cans... Zip
Fluid void: piston with something that places fluids. Item void: dropper and lava. Those are universal (avaible in any modpack that doesn't disable vanilla features).