Done Crashing on Log-In All the Way to Launcher

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by TheVampiricT, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Hello MyM!
    I would love to ask if there is any way someone could help me with this -
    So I was flying around in the regular world looking for coven witches when I came across someone's home ( I assume it is Yurikha27's because I had this problem earlier and this seemed to be the same place that it happened..
    So if I remember right he commented about having a logistics pipes crafting thingy that crashes anyone with an Intel Graphics card (To which I have that)
    Due to my lag issues, by the time (in game after I log in) I can move, I crash because I cannot get away from his base fast enough. I am wondering if anyway someone could get me to spawn or another location away from his house (I would hope it is NOT in direct sunlight cause death is not wanted (Witchery Vampire))
    Thanks - TheVampiricT (T4Donor/King-Infinity 6 Member-Retired BeeHappy Member-Competitive Builder)
  2. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Please post a crash-report ( so we can ascertain the cause of your crash. You can probably fix the Logistics Pipes problem by decreasing your render distance and/or switching to a dedicated graphics processor if you have one.

    In the case of a Logistics Pipes crash, you may have to post the hs_err_pid1xxxx.log file, or your launcher log.
  3. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    I don't get a crash-report. It just closes. And I don't have another graphics processor thingy or I would use it.. And I can't even go into settings before crashing. It takes a second for the world to load up (usually doing so while in *Not Responding* and I don't have time to do anything while it renders.. And when I am able to do stuff I crash.) can't they send me to spawn?
  4. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    They could send you to spawn, but you can change your render distance before entering the game in "Options" on the main menu.
  5. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    1:24 PM
    If you don't get a crash-report, please post at least the files logs/latest.log and logs/fml-client-latest.log from your instance directory. Otherwise we won't be able to help you.
  6. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    @Xfel11 Well I know what causes it, that's the thing. It's a Logistics Pipe Crafting Sign thingy, I don't know exactly which thingy from that mod tho. Yurikha has pointed it out many times that he should really remove it, but he never does...
    Its fine anyway, all I needed was to be teleported to spawn. It was not a client -> server bug, it was a Client -> Area bug..
  7. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Reduce your render distance? I'm not going to remove my crafting signs :( I need them to index my crafting tables and even when I run my Intel graphics card, I don't seem to have any issues with them. How do you even know it's the Logistics Pipes thingy if you haven't even seen the log? It could be loamy farmland or something. Do you know which coordinates you were at?
  8. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    1:24 PM
    Even if you think to know what the issue is, I'd like to see the crash-report or server log so I can be certain.
  9. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    I don't even know if I can get it now, nor how to find it.

    And @yurikha27 you told us yourself it was something from your Logistics Pipes Crafting.... IDK the exact name.... But you said that people with Intel Graphics card crash, and I crash whenever I am at your base. Sooo. You have also said yourself that you should really remove it.. I don't understand why you don't use AE. Logistics also eats up FPS none the less..
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:24 PM
    When you click on crash-report it brings you to a site that tells you how to. Crash reports are not being deleted automatically so they should still be there, if not you could reproduce the crash to get a fresh one.
  11. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Logistics Pipes crashes do not generate a crash-report in the standard location. You need to crash again and then post your launcher log. Why do I use Logistics Pipes? Because it has certain features that are very much more convenient than Applied Energistics... And no channels... And I'm not going to lose a bunch of drives to thieves then not get them returned... The list goes on. I'm not going to remove my crafting signs because:
    1) I need them to know where my recipes are.
    2) The issue appears to have resolved itself for me
    3) We don't even know your coordinates or have your crash-report so we don't even know if this is the problem.
  12. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Well it is most definitely your cobble tower.. you have a T5 Altar Right? I don't know the coords... so I cant re create it.. nor am I wanting to waste like 2 hours trying to solve it because my launcher seems to like to.. be stubborn.. and yea it takes 20 minutes to load. I know the base is near the edge of the world :p
  13. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    Have you tried changing your render distance?
  14. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    -- No I have not @yurikha27 BUT It just happened again. AND it is your tower, I am sure if it! Estimate of coords: 500 -3600? Very close to the edge of the world on the Z with an x coord of -500/500 THRU -600/600 (Dont know if positive or not, it happened so fast)
    But I know that it was Yuri's tower
    Biome was mountains or near mountains
    It is made of cobble
    This is the exact spot every time.
    Blood Magic Altar near tower
    -- I crash to fast to really do anything, it takes ~15 thru 20 minutes to load in my game. Changing render will not work, I am too close to tower (as I was flying over it and crashed within 32 blocks of the tower (Even at lowest render it is at 32-48 blocks)
    Do not give me that crap about changing render - It. Does. Not. Work.
    I am not changing graphics even if I could.
    IF Something On The Server Is Crashing People, even if not ALL people, Then It Should Be Limited/Banned/Removed. No questions asked.
    @Slind I can try and find the crash log, I just dont know where to find it. I am with @SirStudMuffin in TS, I am sure he can help me find it. I will post it here once i find it.[DOUBLEPOST=1472242320][/DOUBLEPOST]I have found nothing in the crash-reports folder, this makes me think that it is just my game closing once I get near his base. I can show my latest log, but it was at 1:35 PM, which it is now 4:11 and I crashed around 4:00-4:03 Estimate[DOUBLEPOST=1472242525][/DOUBLEPOST]I have a 'latest' notebook document that is at 3:58, which makes me believe that this could be what I need.. I have 0 idea, and even if it is what I need, I cannot post it. Why cant Yuri just remove his thing so people don't crash!? He/She does not even play on IN6 anyway! Well, at least not anymore.[DOUBLEPOST=1472242708,1472242066][/DOUBLEPOST]
    A1) Umm you dont really need to find your recipes... or you can just use regular Vanilla signs
    A2) You have a differ graphics card then other people sooo
    A3) Around -/+ X:~600 -/+ Z: 3600 (I did not get a good enough look.)[DOUBLEPOST=1472242847][/DOUBLEPOST]
    It would take me more than an hour to recreate the crash, in that time Yuri could of logged on, removed the Logistics thing, someone could of /spawn me, and the item banned.

    @yurikha27 you can always just log on, remove them and have me log on. Then replace them once I get away, or place them while i am there to see if I crash. Its not even a crash, more like the game just shuts down..
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  15. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    12:24 PM
  16. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    I do play on IN6. I was on vacation for two weeks and did not have access to my computer then.

    I can understand your frustration at this issue and having an apparently unresolvable hardware issue, but asking for an item to be banned just because it affects you is quite selfish, especially if you're an uninvited visitor. If we were to adopt a standard for banning all items that could potentially affect any player, most of the modpack would be banned due to the variety of runtime environments, hardware configurations, and use scenarios.

    In addition, you don't seem tor recognize that there are hundreds of crafting signs all over my base, some in difficult-to-access areas. It's not as simple for me as breaking one block; if it were, I wouldn't need them in the first place!

    However, as I have no desire to keep you from playing on Infinity and since staff have not assisted you in the two weeks this issue has been active, I have attempted to remove all of the crafting signs in my base. I may have missed some. Let me know if it works, but please ask if it is safe before coming next time if you have known issues.
  17. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    1) Unresolvable hardware issue? I don't know why the graphics card does that. It is resolvable, but I do not have $100-$150 laying around to go buy a super good graphics card.
    2) Not to 'ban' the item, but to limit it per chunk maybe, or per player. I was not intending it to be selfish, as if you have read, it effects most intel users (You stated it yourself. I have no idea how you got it to work) Still, the fact of the matter is, when you have an item that physically crashes someone (Does not even provide a report as it just closes the game) all the way, especially when it takes their launcher 10-20 minutes to load into the game, they would be upset. I am especially upset about this however because of the issues it causes me and how long it takes to resolve. **I travel around the world all the time, and if I have to spend an hour to fix it then why would I travel.** It is unfair to where one person or group of people have to limit to where they go because of what items other players use as we have no way of telling who has those crafting signs.
    3) It is not because it effects me, it freaking crashes me. And other intel graphics card computers. It is not just a one player specific bug. I get what you mean if you banned all items that were to cause issues to other players would result in most of the pack being limited, but look at AE2. It is known that effects the server greatly and that it causes massive FPS lag but they don't ban it. If it were to crash people, they would, though. The fact of the matter is that even though some people may not crash due to that issue in logistics crafting things, it severely renders their game useless. (As if I don't crash/close, it goes into non-response mode.)

    4)'' have an apparently unresolvable hardware issue, but asking for an item to be banned just because it affects you is quite selfish, especially if you're an uninvited visitor.''

    I wanted to quote this especially as
    A) I did not ask to be invited, I do not want to go to your base in the first place. I am exploring and I get a massive FPS Lag and Boom closes.
    B) It is not like I was specifically looking for YOUR base, I was just wandering around the world. If you don't like it how I just randomly show up, use the freaking Blood Magic thingy to keep people out. Or forcefield, or under ground. If you are putting your base above ground you automatically invite people to end up seeing it, especially when you are offline and you have no clue. I have people coming thru my base all the time just because it is above ground. It is not like it is not on the map, it is in the normal world.
    C) You act like this is ALL MY fault; I was not visiting your base, I was flying above it and trying to get away honestly. AND I cannot remember the coords ever! I am not going to just avoid that side of the map just because of your base. It is unfair to me to limit where I can wonder because you choose to have something with a known issue (as I have brought this up numerous times)

    5) Thank you for removing some of them, I have no way of telling if it helped honestly. At the time I am writing this the launcher is loading and I believe the last time I was on was one of the crashes (this happens like srly every other day because I have gotten sick of building at the moment and have been exploring the world more and more)
    6) Trust me, I understand that you have a million crafting signs and if you had just one it would be more simple and you would probably glady get rid of it. But maybe that is the problem. There is a reason I tend to make farms for things so I can have things be unlimited auto crafted, so I don't have to use logistics to craft them or stuff like that. (Its easier just to craft them by hand than with logistics honestly, and probably much much faster.)

    I know this is mostly a rant or stuff that does not make coherent sentenses, but if you read it a couple times you will understand what I meant by most of it.
    -- Best regards, <The>VampiricT<ek>
  18. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    8:24 AM
    No. Just no. Completely wrong.

    And what? Spend all my resources producing 1000 MFSUs I'll never need?

    It is very much most of your fault. Judging by your position, you had ample time to see and avoid my base which you knew had issues from before.

    You don't need to explore right over my base; a little caution would have told you to avoid going over civilization since everything there is claimed anyways.
  19. lorarose

    lorarose Well-Known Member

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    7:24 AM
    @TheVampiricT Are you still having crashing issues when trying to log in? If so, staff can teleport you to spawn. Let us know :)
  20. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    8:24 AM
    @yurikha27 and @TheVampiricT , I know things can be frustrating but this is the support section of the forums. Please do not argue and fight in this thread. TheVampiricT as lorarose asked. Do you still need assistance with this? Have you been able to connect to the server since yurikha27 removed some if not all of his signs?

    Please reply and let us know if you can connect or not. If you can not and you can provide some sort of logs or even a video as to what is happening that would be great. If based on the information you provide it is found to be yurikha27's base that is causing you issues, staff will deal with any items in the base causing it and delete them, but please provide us with some sort of proof or evidence that that is whats happening.

    yurikha27 I know you have been trying to assist but at the same time being very argumentive. Again we do not need this type of behavior in our support section of the forums. Based on the conversation in this thread I can only point out one server rule that comes to mind.
    "Do not overstate, this is a multiplayer environment and not singleplayer where no one else is effected by your doings."

    If it is found that it is your signs that have caused this issues we will have to remove them in order to allow players to go by your base without crashing.

    At this time we are awaiting TheVampiricT's reply to let us know if this is still an issue or not. There is no need to get this argument going again.

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