Done Staff has to STOP ignoring lag issues...

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by masterml5, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    Seriously guys? What is up with the staff just simply IGNORING this HUGE lag issue?
    This base at X=1741 Y=11 Z=689 is causing the server to lag to an extreme and often make players time out.
    Just LOOK at the screenshots how ridiculous the base is. And at the chat where it says ME systems causing most lag, it's written in RED and it's 16 (!!!)... And what do the staff do? Nothing. Does the staff even know the servers own rules? "If you cost the server too many resources (CPU), we won't hesitate to undo your work. So don't overstate." Don't try putting the blame on the amount of players or stuff like that. A server with 28 people shouldn't lag this bad, even if it's heavily modded. Unless the servers are . 2016-09-03_04.04.03. 2016-09-03_04.04.21. 2016-09-03_04.04.30. 2016-09-03_04.04.34. 2016-09-03_04.04.57. 2016-09-03_04.05.05. 2016-09-03_04.05.12. 2016-09-03_04.05.15. 2016-09-03_04.05.18.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2016
    robbyguy100 likes this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    AE2 systems aren't laggy, stop blaming them, infact, staff, can we REMOVE the laggy AE counter? people get the wrong idea and blame the wrong items for it, if it ever goes below 10 tps, please make a ticket, otherwise it's probably something else (Quite posibily RAM issues, why java doesn't collect more often i will never know)
  3. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    "if it ever goes below 10 tps" I suggest you read the whole thread Chugga, the base he has is causing extreme lag and causing multiple people to time out, and often goes down to 5 TPS or less. And AE systems this big can cause lag.
  4. lorarose

    lorarose Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for alerting us to the issue. In future posts I would recommend only stating facts and cutting out the passive-aggressive comments. Staff are only human and we volunteer our time to the network.
    I see you've noted IN4 as the server this is happening on. I will come take a look at the situation.
    F4lconwings likes this.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This, is, almost, false, infact AE2 is so not-laggy the laggiest systems are at max able to shave off .5 tps from my experience, AE1 on the other hand has been known to be able to remove 10+ tps with ease, seriously, AE2 is not your problem, it is something else, and it almost always will be
    Lawmonark likes this.
  6. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    well i am going to point out a couple things for you

    1. tps and fps are 2 different things and if you have fps issues that doesn't mean it causes tps issues.

    2. 16 isn't that bad depending on how big the me system is, you try have millions if not billions of items in your me system without having it red.

    3. if the tps goes under 10 most likely that isn't just 1 thing (unless there is a tps eating mob or machine)
    F4lconwings likes this.
  7. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    I know the difference between TPS and FPS. If I didn't, I wouldn't have bought a 144hz monitor or a GTX 1080 :p
    As I've said multiple times now, the tps did go way under 10. This base had alot of other machines too though, and 4 spawners with grinders. All this is chunk loaded, even while he's offline.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This litterally doesn't mean the tps will fail entirely either way, this is a collection of items, not just one guy's base, even my monster base, which when it was notorious for being able to take out the tps from 20 to 4 in one request, has been able to be at 20 tps with all of it chunkloaded, don't act like you know the cause, you can't profile the map (we used to be able to, but now we can't)
  9. lorarose

    lorarose Well-Known Member

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    An update on the situation: I have been sitting on Infinity node 4 for about 40+ minutes.

    While monitoring the TPS, it has not dropped below 13.

    The ME system warning has popped up twice, but let me explain what the number mean as I have received clarification from Admins - The numbers at the beginning are not the amount of lag the system is causing, but the length of time the ME system was doing something. Not a direct measure of lag, but a tool used to potentially diagnose it.

    I have also checked chunk lag for the whole server and it indicated that the base where the ME system warning is taking place does NOT generate any more lag than a normal, endgame stage base.

    The server is simply laggy because there are many players on one server. This is why there are multiple Infinity normal mode servers, but people don't seem to migrate to the others so there isn't much we can do about it.

    I am going to mark this thread as Done. In the future, if the TPS is below 10 for over 30 minutes, please go into TeamSpeak and poke a staff member to have a look or create a ticket.

    Have a nice day!
    YourMCGeek, Mouro and chaosblad3 like this.
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    A rating of 16 in the AE2 profiler is barely worth mentioning lol, certainly not enough to be the sole cause of any bad tps you may have experienced at the time.. part of it perhaps but not by much!

    While it is true that people who see their bases come up in the profiler often should try to look at if/how their system can be made more efficient, honestly as long as it's not on there all the time or getting into triple figures it's really no big deal.
    YourMCGeek likes this.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Chaos, wasn't this one of the things that I said would happen before? AE2 isn't laggy anyone, seriously, stop acting like it's the end of the world every time you see a base up on it, please, it's annoying to see 30+ reports about an AE system that isn't causing issues but you think it is, you don't know the source of the lag, you can't test for the lag source, just report that there is lag and don't conjecture about anything you don't know
  12. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Just to point out that your complaining over 16 on the counter when ive seen someone with 600 on that counter before
  13. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    AE2 is a lot better these days, yes, but it is also incredibly "Build it your way". The end-result depends entirely on what you use it for, and how you built it.
    I had Quantum Solar Panels on auto-craft from scratch, on Infinity Skyblock, and my system never as much as bleeped on any type of profile. However, a kid's ME system who was just trying to autocraft some crafting benches got a "43" once, and bringing down the TPS by 2 all by itself.
    I do agree with you that it is not the end of the world when an ME pops up on the profile, but that doesn't mean that they cannot optimize their system.
  14. IsaacOB1

    IsaacOB1 Well-Known Member

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    I know the owner of this base and have spoken to him and have done some test like the other staff have and come to the conclusion that it isnt affecting tps. IN4 is my main server and i monitor the tps alot and it does drop sometimes but thats not caused by that specific base but the amount of players on as you do get around 40 on average and theres other things like item drops etc. I know lots people bases including mine which is like this and they do not affect the server or other players if they did it would've of been removed by now. Also keeping in mind IN4 is a old server now you have to expect some tps drops.
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You need to stop playing on servers where @chugga_fan plays.

  16. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe it's time to move the server over to some software that isn't complete garbage? I mean, 40 players isn't that much.

    Also, sure it's acceptable to expect some tps drop, but when it goes as far down as 4 and times out alot of players frequently? Nope.
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Do you mean hardware? and i am pretty sure MyM uses some of the best. Where do you get the idea that there are 40 players?
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  18. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    1. The servers run on dedicated servers. Software isn't much of an issue. Their hardware is also the best within their price-range.
    2. 40 players, on a kitchen sink pack. If each player ONLY had 25 tileentities, that would equal out to 1000 tiles. TileEntities are blocks that DO stuff, like machines, chests, furnaces, and more. What base ONLY has 25 tiles? Some bases have up to 1000 tiles in a single chunk. For something big like infinity, 40 players is a LOT. You cannot simply state that 40 players is nothing. Sure, in vanilla/light packs, that isn't much at all, but when the game has more things that do stuff every damned tick, it quickly accumulates.
      Tiles in 1.7.10 are bad, because they always update. In later versions of Minecraft, coders have to specifically assign the ability to update per tick. Here, there's no choice. Chests, heck, even signs update every tick.
  19. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    The mod Jima said it and I have witnessed it myself, also, take a look at this, almost 40 players.

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