Alright the modpack is really trying to piss me off.. not only do we get kicked on regular basis and it laggs like there is no tomorrow.. But now after a restart he has thrown out all IP addresses in multiplayer.. Even after restart he will not show them.. Can anyone tell me the IP of the crackpack node 2 please.. dont want to reinstall the modpack..
If you use the MYM launcher you will never have this issue, plus it has a reautherization which is nice
thank you for the info but I AM using the MYM launcher.. and even after a restart the server list was empty.. that was my problem, I know probably with a reinstall it would all be there but I did not want to go that step... Also it does not change anything with the performance problems we are having on node 2.. I dont know how many times I am timed out in 10 minutes but it is getting annoying.