I'm not trying to put any machines or anything, and I've never had an issue before. However, when I want to go work further on my floor (made almost entirely of diamond blocks), I found that I could no longer do so. I don't see an announcement about it, and now I'm having an issue with not being able to connect anything to my pre-existing floor, let along add on to my floor any further. Since it's a great deal of diamond blocks, I don't want it deleted. Returned to me in a chest or something? I could deal with that. Have my entire island shifted up 2 blocks? Even more difficult to imagine, but that'd be cool too. What I'd really like to know is... Why? Why did this get changed?
if you place machines anf stuff at y 1 your client will crash in most cases, and the only way to fix that would be to world edit the machines you placed out, wich is time consuming
Okay, but I don't want to place machines there? Just blocks. Been trying to build a floor entirely of diamond for quite some time.
the thing is there to prevent other people too tough, and i dont think there is a way to remove it for specific zones/players
Sadly enough there were some serious issues with people building bellow y=2 which caused the server to crash really often. We prevented this at this moment by disabling blockplacing at that level. About moving your base, that's something that I don't know the answer on so I will tag my colleges about this. Kindly wait for further response. @Administrator
A @Junior Administrator could remove those blocks for you and give them to you. Moving the base up is possible but would break all the blocks that do a little more than vanilla blocks do, hence that would break too much.
Moving the base up with world edit would probably cause more issues than it would solve. A possible option is to use the move feature on the RFtools builder, haven't tried it myself, but this may just come to the same result. Assuming that it isn't disabled
you can right click graves with an empty hand to break them, just make sure you're standing right in the middle or have a magnet