Done Taint Shards

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by Fracknoid, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    4:27 AM
    I've been trying to get Taint Shards for a while, now, but I can't seem to get any. I've been using my Shovel of the Purifier on Tainted Soil. I've also tried using an Ex Nihilo hammer on it, and nothing. Anyone know what else I can try?
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    As far as I know, that is the only way to obtain a taint shard is using the Sovel of the Purifier on Tainted Soil. It has a small percent chance of actually dropping. May I ask how much tainted soil you have gone through trying to get the shard?
  3. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    At least a stack, I suppose. I'll keep at it, then.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I think you can also break tainted goo to get the shard with the shovel
  5. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    If I right click the goo, it kills the goo with electricity - it might give shards, but I didn't get any.

    Still have not gotten any taint shards.

    I'd really love to know where in the source code I could check if this is enabled, or at least the percentage to get it - after 2 hours of this, still nothing.

    I checked /banneditems, and it's not listed in there. Not sure where else to check.

    Final Edit: I've given up. If it's not disabled, then the chance of it dropping must be around 0.1%. It's just not worth this much effort, especially considering I need 6, and I've yet to get even 1.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016

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