there is a conflict of recipe among nature mushroom soup (12699) and hunger overhaul mushroom soup (282), both have the same recipe but the crafting me from only that of the nature, that however it is incompatible with fluid transposer. can this be resolved?
If you're trying to do the fluids quest, just use a rancher on mooshrooms for all of your mushroom soupy needs.
It may be possible to produce a hunger overhaul mushroom soup by putting a bowl in a fluid transposer filled with mushroom soup. You could then use that in a unifier to convert natura mushroom soup to the hunger overhaul type.
I have already tried to use unifier with the pattern of hunger but does not work, he always returns to nature
You have to tell it what to change it to. Place the item you want in the unifiers 9x9 inventory then place an item with the same ore dictionary in the top right slot Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
Then the two soups does not have the same ore dictionary. Why not just milk some moshrooms? Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
please use mosh cows, its just one quest and if you like produce it with bees once and to submit use moshroom cows
Also you need 16m mb of that stuff (or it was 16 buckets). It will be faster using mooshrooms also Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone