Implemented North not syncing inv

Discussion in 'Monster' started by SphericalHelix, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    1:47 PM
    I pulled all of my items out of the quarry world prior to the reset, and I have them when I return to spawn, but they will not sync over to North. When I go home through /home home and when I walk through the portal to North, I do not have the items I should have from Spawn.
  2. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    1:47 PM
    Also, this is happening to other players, not just myself in case that helps
  3. linke36

    linke36 Member

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    2:47 PM
    Yea i have had the same problem, I have two different invents, one in the north and one in the rest of the worlds.
  4. Kosmas

    Kosmas Active Member

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    7:47 PM
    Can confirm as well, one inv for north, and another inv for all other worlds.
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    should work fine again. As we shut down north, please move all your stuff to one of the other servers. Recommended is west that opened just now.
  6. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Will north re-open in the future?

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
  7. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    2 things. This is NOT "done". You deleted my entire inventory which was everything used in my quarry world setup, including the drives with my last 4 quarry runs, many resonant cells, quarry and pump plus, etc. etc. Second, how exactly should we move over to West considering you haven't got invsync working there either? What is going on lately with the "we can't fix it so we'll just delete people's stuff and hope maybe that works" mentality? This is getting old, fast.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    When the player count rises to a level that it is needed.

    your inventory should not have been gotten deleted, we imported the data from the prev invSync. Was it empty when you joined, please give me more details on this.
    We have one issue in the new InvSync system that is that the reconnection to the database (if connection lost) does not work. I just pushed an update and hopefully this does fix the issue. Another thing is that we normally kick the player if the inv could not be loaded. There seems to be another bug with this issue. (The issue was marked done as the invSync worked fine when we tested it)

    Yesterday when we tested it and traveled across all servers for +2 hours, we never came across this issue, today the database connection seems to get lost at some point.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
  9. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    1:47 PM
    When I logged on, I went straight to the quarry world to grab my stuff to get it out before the reset. I put it all in my inventory and warped Home (on North). None of my items were there and instead my inventory was the same as when I logged in. I went back to quarry world, and all of my stuff was in my inv like I expected. Warped to spawn and my inv was ok. I went back to North to check one more time, and the inv was gone. I worked a little on North yesterday with what I already had over there, then warped to spawn and logged off. I logged back in today to a completely wiped inventory. Now, anything I put in my inv (not including enderchest) does work now, but all of that stuff is gone.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  11. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    1:47 PM
    Thanks Willi

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