I think we can find some staff to make it work. I will be home for the weekend in two weeks.. We will go for that weekend..I am USA central time. We may run a couple of rounds as there are a lot of interested players!
This made me laugh. Do you know how hard it is to organize events for a decently large amount of people? Everyone needs to find a time that they are online and life things.. Its not too easy.
Yes, but still, that may have a negative impact on the network.... like, people leaving, losing credibility and stuff.
the last event we held was the build competition and i wouldnt call that a fail. this just got postponed.. we are planning more than one round of competitions to make up for lost time and include more players.
Wasnt it cancelled because there was no backup of the server? Im not against events, im just annoyed that none go through recently, their good ways to get the community together. Thanks Prpl, havent we only had 3 events this year too? Maybe seasonal events like we used to?
As far as I know. This event is still taking place. As Prpl stated there will be multiple round to make up for what we have missed.
We have had several go through. This one, as Slind said, is directly related to the person in charge abandoning it. I can only think of 2 that didn't. Thanks for your positive input as always.
Are we here to pick on the BAD points yet again? I wasnt poking holes or having a go, AS I SAID I was literally pointing out the lack of events, maybe if the community got involved in more events would happen but there all staff run
Feel free to throw detailed ideas in a post of your own explaining your thoughts of how the community can get involved. I think then if everyone agrees we may decide to take on some of your ideas. Most of the time staff are the only ones that are running events because we would not give commands to non staff if that makes sense. People running events need to be trusted. Thats my opinion.
Dont have to give them commands, they could help with building, planning, or anything that takes a load of staff, like it used to be. Maybe give the longer standing members a little more credit?