Skyfactory 2.5 End Game List for the market

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by robzombie91, May 24, 2016.

  1. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
    Meaning you can only sell Draconium Ingots (un-awakened)
  2. RyuuOuji

    RyuuOuji Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    This one is much too restricting. So we can trade Draconium Ingots, but not Draconium Blocks? Not Draconium Dust? Etc.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:13 PM
    Well It would be assumed that you could sell the dust if you can sell the ingots and same with un-charged blocks
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    3:13 PM
    it's saying the sale of all draconic items, so long as they aren't related to awakened equipment (dragon heart, awakened draconium) it's ok to sell.
  5. RyuuOuji

    RyuuOuji Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    So it's safe to "assume" we can do what the rules tell us not to? That's essentially what you're saying because technically everything in the Draconic Evolution mod can be considered "draconic items".

    How does a "dragon heart" classify as "draconic items" while a Draconium Block doesn't?

    You're both making bad excuses for not being clear in the rules. Is it that hard to have specific items listed? So lazy!
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    3:13 PM
    ryuu, think of it this way: how do you get awakened draconium? via 4 charged draconium blocks and a dragon heart. if you can sell both a dragon heart and charged draconium, then you're essentially giving away free awakened draconium. now if the sale of dragon hearts isn't allowed, it makes people actually go to the end and fight the ender dragon that's there (or summon one) in order to obtain a heart. of course, the summoning ritual, which requires 4 souls, is also there. now it's still a statement in question, but for now let's assume the sale of souls is also banned. that means people have to go around and slay mobs in order to get the souls they need to summon the dragon, thus making people still do the work, aside from the requirement to charge draconium blocks, and we all know earlier game that takes ages. but as i said...

    no selling awakened draconium, no selling dragon hearts, no selling souls. simple as that. nothing against the reaper enchant, though, since you still have to do the killing.
  7. RyuuOuji

    RyuuOuji Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM

    The items listed in this post and any items requiring them, including Block Covers and Cable Facades, should not be listed on the Market or traded to other players who have not yet obtained them on their own while playing this mod-pack on that specific node!
    Said items have been listed due to...

    • ...being "Endgame"
    • ...being needed for progression
    • ...the sheer amount of required items
    • ...providing flight
    THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! So, please review it regularly.

    Donator Kits are NOT allowed on the market!

    Unbreakable Wand (6974:4, 6974:5, 6974:6, 6974:12, 6974:13, 6974:14)
    Blutonium Block (1485:3)
    Blutonium Ingot (5358:3)
    Blutonium Dust (5358:7)
    Ludicrite Block (1485:4, requires Blutonium Ingot)
    Turbine Controller (1506:1, requires Blutonium Ingot)

    Drops from both the Gaia and Gaia 2.0
    Dreamwood (1686, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Elementium Ingot (5881:7, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Block Elementium (1990:2, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Pixie Dust (5881:8, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Dragonstone (5881:9, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Block of Dragonstone (1990:4, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Elven Quartz (5731:5, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    Alfglass (1872, requires The Portal to the Alfheim)
    The Pinkinator (5488)
    Flügel Tiara (5432, 5432:1, 5432:2, 5432:3, 5432:4, 5432:5, 5432:6, 5432:7, 5432:8, provides flight)
    Globetrotter's Sash (5508, provides excessive mobility)
    Dragon Heart (5299, recipient is required to kill an Ender Dragon or Chaos Dragon by themself before being allowed to trade this)
    Awakened Draconium Block (1482, requires Dragon Heart)
    Awakened Draconium Ingot (5296, requires Awakened Draconium Block)
    Awakened Core (5262, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Chaotic Core (7095, requires Awakened Core, Awakened Draconium Ingot and Chaos Shard)
    Draconic Energy Core (5319:1, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Reactor Stabilizer Frame (6206, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Reactor Stabilizer Inner Rotor (6206:1, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Reactor Energy Injector (2285, requires Reactor Stabilizer Inner Rotor)
    Reactor Stabilizer (2639, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Chaotic Core, Reactor Stabilizer Frame, Reactor Stabilizer Rotor Assembly and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Reactor Core (2690, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot and Chaos Shard)
    Draconic Flux Capacitor (5316:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Pickaxe (5327:X,, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Shovel (5244:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Axe (5248:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Hoe (5365:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Sword (5277:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Bow (5374:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Staff of Power (5363:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Pickaxe, Draconic Shovel and Draconic Sword)
    Awakened Item Dislocator (6603:1, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot and Charged Draconium Block)
    Draconic Helm (5311:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Chestplate (5237:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core, provides flight)
    Draconic Leggings (5313:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Draconic Boots (5385:X, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot, Awakened Core and Draconic Energy Core)
    Mob Grinder (1471:3, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Awakened Draconium Nugget (6821:1, requires Awakened Draconium Ingot)
    Chaos Shard (6753, recipient is required to kill a Chaos Dragon by themself before being allowed to trade this)
    Large Chaos Fragment (6860:2, requires Chaos Shard)
    Small Chaos Fragment (6860:1, requires Large Chaos Fragment)
    Tiny Chaos Fragment (6860, requires Small Chaos Fragment)
    Reactor Stabilizer Rotor Assembly (6206:3, requires Reactor Stabilizer Inner Rotor)
    Charged Draconium Block (1479:2, requires a lot of RF power)
    Survivalist Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932)
    Furnace Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:1)
    Lava Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:2)
    Ender Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:3)
    Heated Redstone Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:4)
    Culinary Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:5)
    Potions Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:6)
    Solar Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:7)
    TNT Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:8)
    Pink Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:9)
    High-temperature Furnace Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:10)
    Nether Star Generator, Power Multiplier: x64 (932:11)
    Division Sigil (Activated) (4540)
    Pseudo-Inversion Sigil (4540)
    Unstable Ingot (4541)
    Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot (4541:2)
    Angel Ring, Invisible Wings (4535, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot, provides flight)
    Angel Ring, Feathery Wings (4535:1, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot, provides flight)
    Angel Ring, Fairy Wings (4535:2, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot, provides flight)
    Angel Ring, Dragon Wings (4535:3, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot, provides flight)
    Angel Ring, Golden Wings (4535:4, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot, provides flight)
    Super Builder's Wand (4544, requires Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot)
    Portal to the Deep Dark (933, requires Unstable Ingot or Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot)
    Bedrockium Ingot (4554)
    Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone (906:4)
    Ender Quarry (924)
    Ender Quarry World Hole Upgrade (925:1)
    Ender Quarry Silk Touch Upgrade (925:2)
    Ender Quarry Fortune I Upgrade (925:3)
    Ender Quarry Fortune II Upgrade (925:4)
    Ender Quarry Fortune III Upgrade (925:5)
    Ender Quarry Speed I Upgrade (925:6)
    Ender Quarry Speed II Upgrade (925:7)
    Ender Quarry Speed III Upgrade (925:8)
    Ender Quarry Pump Upgrade (925:9)

    Loot Bags
    Loot Bags are allowed if they are unopened!
    Excluding Normal Chance Cubes and Chance Pendant (LVL 1) since they can be crafted normally

    Magical Crops
    All Accio, Crucio, Imperio and Zivicio Items (Tools, Weapons, Armour, Blocks and anything made with the listed seeds above

    Mine Factory Reloaded
    Laser drill
    Laser Prechargers
    Laser Focus'

    Solar Flux
    Solar Panel V
    Solar Panel VI

    Anything that needs research to make

    Miniature Green Heart (4463:5, requires Dragon Heart)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:13 PM
    "If you sell diamonds, that's giving people diamond tools, if you sell redstone, obsidian, sticks, wood, sugarcane, leather, wither skeleton skulls, soul sand, and iron, that's giving them activated division sigils with the ability to make unstable ingots, which if you also sell gold gives them the ability to make angel rings for flight" see? I can play "What is the limit of our ability to sell items" game too.
  9. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:13 PM
    The rules are made with the assumption that the follower of said rules has common sense.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
  10. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    3:13 PM
    ryuu, there are some major flaws with your list. for example, "all draconic items, excluding draconium ingots" if nether stars can be sold, then why not wyvern cores? and why not draconic cores, as they're literally just gold, diamond and draconium? just to point a few things out.
  11. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
    I think you should go back to the "anything that requires you going to the END is endgame" or "Is classed ENDGAME by the mod creator"
  12. RyuuOuji

    RyuuOuji Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    You do realize that "common sense" is subjective, right? What is common sense to some, isn't common sense to others. That's pretty much the whole reason why rules exist in the first place...

    You do realize that my WIP list is an exact copy of the OP's list, but with more detail, right?
  13. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    6:13 PM
    This list is mostly likely bunkt because of the release of Skyfactory 3.0. Anyone that wants to continue the list into the newest version is free to do so

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