Info Recent Issues (Permissions, Titles, Premium Ranks..)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    This post contains a few technical terms, if you have question, feel free to ask. The experienced players, staff and I are happy to explain it to the best of our ability.

    Hello MineYourMind Community,

    recently we failed to communicate a major change of our core system. Which caused a lot of issues. So what happened?

    With the work on 1.10 we noticed an emerging permission system which had a few feature we did wish for in the past. Namely, instant sync (with redis pub/sub) and per server permissions. The best thing was, it is available for bukkit and sponge and can run off the same database. So it didn't take long to make the decision of switching to this new permission system, not only on 1.10 but also on 1.7.10 and 1.6.4. While a bukkit version existed we still had to adjust it to work with the old 1.6.4 servers as this version does not support the UUID conventions and hence we needed to integrate a custom UUID resolver. This adjustment was simple.

    So we thought there is not much we changed, a simple test of the system should be enough and we can start to roll it out. The test went without issues.

    Unfortunately the issues followed later with the import of the data from the previous permission system. The importer had a few bugs and did not migrate all the data. So we had to adjust and test it which took half a day. As we had to run the tests on a live server I used the hub for that, the one server which is our door to the world regarding shop purchases. This caused a few of the purchase to not go through successfully during the time of testing.

    I never thought it would take that long to migrate the data and fix the issues. As we didn't notice all the issues (missing data) at first. Frankly I thought this shouldn't affect the system for any longer than 1-2 hours. Which you would not have noticed. Hence I thought this wouldn't need to be communicated outside of staff.
    Unfortunately a lot of further issues did arise later on, for example the missing (essentials integration missing) and wrong titles (inheritance import broken and wrong priorities). The /shop not working (wrong command syntax). Permission changes not being queued and therefor only the latest change being actually saved... Many many issues, where the developer (Thank You Luck) of the system was very responsive on and helped us figuring them out and fixing them. But overall this took a few days and we didn't communicate that with you properly.

    I'm sorry how this went and can only apologize to everyone that was affected. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    We are still not at a point were everything is resolved and fully implemented. A few of the 1.7.10 servers just received an update which resolves the queuing issue (data being lost when added too quickly) and will be rolled out to all the servers after some production testing. This resolves a few issues with the /shop settings and premium purchases.

    Following along will be the connection of the 1.10 servers. Meaning they will be switched to the 1.7.10 database, obsoleting the group sync we had in place over the last few weeks.

    Further we will be connecting the 1.6.4 servers, which we did hold off from due to the issues that did arise on 1.7.10. (no need to fight a two- or even three-front war)

    What we thought would take a few hours to implement did take days and will probably further hold on to a week.

    "Never underestimate core changes, even if they feel trivial." ヘ(͡°‿͡°ヘ)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    11:09 AM
    This explains a lot, any idea when the time to log into the DW20 1.10 server to the perms syncing be decreased? the few seconds at the start get really annoying when logging in as it causes minecraft to react extremely weird, thanks
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:09 PM
    I'm quite certain that this is not related :(
    (the weird behavior and permission sync)
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    11:09 AM
    The weird behavior ends when the greeting is shown in chat and it says permissions are synced, I believe they are related from this, any way to validate that you know of?
  5. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    3:09 PM
    Could be some mod that is on DW that forces the Minecraft to check something on the server. Pixelmon doesn't append that, iirc.
  6. Fyre8

    Fyre8 Active Member

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    11:09 AM
    Is this what is causing my UUID connection issues?
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    No sorry, this issue was experienced before already.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Going to switch the databse soon. So we will know.
  9. lucarioinfamous

    lucarioinfamous Well-Known Member

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    9:09 AM
    So, this is why I'm currently unable to change my Title whatsoever?
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:09 PM
    This only works on 1.7.10 and you need to reconnect afterwards for it take effect (sometimes).
  11. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    11:09 PM
    Technical issues will always be there to bug the staff. Frankly I'm surprised you kept trying as most servers either don't care or just wait for some dumb fix to appear on the internet. So kudos to you all.
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:09 PM
    Just switched it over to the 1.7.10 database and removed the sync plugin. Its still doing that for me :(
  13. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Murphy's law says:
    "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does"
  14. Xero115

    Xero115 New Member

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    11:09 AM
    so could this by why i get an error stating permissions could not be loaded when trying to connect to galactic science?
  15. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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  16. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    So is this why block placers dont place (but play the block placing sound) and the autonomus activators dont hammer on Crash Landing?

    (I trusted [OpenBlocks], [OpenBlocksFakePlayer] which worked for half a second, [thermalexpansion], [thermalexpansionfakeplayer], [te_player] and [teplayer] )

    The details are a bit vague on GriefPrevention (protect your land) — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation - until I found trusting

    • [CoFH] enables the activators and
    • OpenModsFakePlayer-001 enables the OpenBlocks block placers. No [] on this one.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016

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