Considering AE2 crafting cards are banned on crackpack and probably other modpacks I´m wondering if there´s something else that can replicate the results of it.
Could yo ucome on the server at some point and show me? Also wouldn´t the staff be able to change some code in the craf6ting cards to fix or minimize the lag? Just asking cause i havent looked myself
Yes, I'd be more then happy to, just catch me on TeamSpeak some time. For a staff member to do that, you would need the following: Somebody who actually knows how to code. The time to debug AE2 to figure out what is wrong. The knowledge to actually fix it. Make the pull request. Somebody on the AE2 team to accept the pull request and add it into AE2 Have a new version of the mod released Have all the modpacks update to the new version. Just saying, 2-4 in the real world, is about $100 - $250 per hour, and you are looking at about a weeks worth of work.
Isn´t AE2 open source? cause if it is then its slightly easier cause it could be uploaded serverside to the server
you could use export bus + level emitter attached to any autocrafter like rftools crafter, auto-workbench, ...
That dosent work for stuff that needs more than 1 item or else you will end up having to use like 6 export buses
If you really want the help, get Teamspeak. It takes 2 seconds to setup and if it fixes your issues then it's worth it. Don't be stubborn
It dosent matter anymore, i have been permabanned sooo yeah. did an appeal and still waiting for the staff to solve it
yeah. 6 people banned in a mass ban due to duping association which to me looks like it was from reclaiming duped items of an abandoned base... hell would i have known that the itmes were duped
Rule 1. Ignorance is no excuse. Also taking from unclamed bases is griefing and you could be banned for that aswell Back on topic I use level emitters and export busses with Redstone cards
Actually it was from you duping. You did it in front of staff then tried to deny it. I provided the proof that it was you and not your "friend". Please stop with your child like denial and trying to blame staff.