Firstly this is not an issue, so I hope this is suitable in this forum. So I've been buying the land immediately north of spawn, and rather than use it for my own use I've decided to add multiple public farms up that way, and other systems that are beneficial to everyone. So far there's just a free fish dropper, so people won't starve right off the bat. I intend to add mob farms and whatever else would be widely beneficial later on. I was curious if maybe administration could put a sign somewhere at spawn that's pointing towards the area? Even though it is close I figure some people might miss it. Also, if any admins or mods have concerns or suggestions about the area.
I'm going to point out right now that "public" farms get griefed frequently. And usually to the point where the owner gets tired of it and takes it down. It's frustrating for the nice players who use it, frustrating for the person who built it, and frustrating for the staff involved with dealing with the grief. For those reasons, I am personally against "public" areas like that.
The land is claimed by me, so nobody can build or destroy anything. They can only use the pressure plate. And, the fish it drops come from a private Guardian spawner, so it's not costing me anything to maintain.