We stayed at 20 tps for like 30-40 minutes and we're back at 8 tps. People have no clue what they are doing wrong and I haven't found a way to help
Normally the causes of lag on PO2 are People being to excited about sprinklers, they stick them over every single block Lilly pads of fertility because they stick them under every single block Growth pulsars because people stick STACKS of them under every single block Problems not exclusive to PO2 People who cram every single thing in ONE chunk because chunk loading is (allegedly) Hard to understand too expensive forces you to vote With player cooperation you'd notice a lot smoother TPS, otherwise staff have to intervene, and speaking for myself I'd rather not have to dismantle or worse delete people's hard work.
this is not correct. It is even better to put everything into one chunk as it does not have the neighbor load issue.
Well then I learned something new today! I've been told it was awful to load things into a chunk, the more you know!
Multi chunk builds are OK, but hard to pull off laglessly. You only put updating blocks or items inside the 14x14, and try not to tie the chunks together in any way.