Done Abuse & Harassment due to Lag

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by mxdie7, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. mxdie7

    mxdie7 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:22 PM

    Is there any possibility that an staff member can come onto the server and clear my name of any reason that the server is having considerable amounts of lag. For the past week I have had continually been harassed, or abused by people such as TheSpareKappa, Ony_x and a few others. They do such things as repeatedly asking me to leave the server. But why should I leave the server? For I paid real money to help fund for it, mainly to help my own gameplay with the kits but it is all the same. They try their absolute hardest to turn the entire server against me and make everyone hate me, when I try my hardest to make everyone like me. I have a little farm running, that I manually use via a Harvest Goddess Band, Energy Collector and a Horn of the Wild. For some strange realise they have it solidified in their heads that, that is the reason for the lag. Yet they complain the most when it is not even running. Whilst I run it, I often check the TPS to see if it is affecting it, but it does not affect it anymore than someone else running through the unexplored nether would. TheSpareKappa also threatens to "crash the server" or "get me kicked/banned/killed" just simply because I run my farm every now and again. I would go without running the farm, I do quite a lot of the time and most probably only have it run for like 8 hours maximum a week (I play 7 days a week, for most of the days) but I'm currently delving into the Infinity stages and EMC is something I am in desperate need of.

    There are also players on the server, such as Peace7904, MMaster2004 and captain_america6 that are on my side and do understand that it is not in fact me who is creating the lag.

    I joined the MyM community in the hope to find a warm, welcoming server to play on. It is only recently that this has not happened and it has been made apparent that there are people who are trying their absolute hardest to create problems for me.

    I hope something can be done about this because I have the uppermost deepest sorrows from their reactions to me enjoying myself.

    Basically a select few being horrid and making others hate me and me not enjoy my time because they think I'm the reason for the lag when I am not, so can an staff member come online and banish the idea of me being the reason for the lag. (If I am, let me know and I'll tear it all down)

  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:22 PM

    Do you have any screenshots or a time stamp of when this happened?

  3. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    3:22 PM
    Guys, I'd like to ask you to go through a yesterdays chat 1st (not sure of the time, ~5pm-ish CET). Then go back here and confront it with anything this dude wrote.


    I wont even argue here since I don;t see any valid arguments.
  4. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:22 PM
    I will contact an Admin

  5. mxdie7

    mxdie7 Well-Known Member

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    2:22 PM
    I'm afraid I do not, as it wasn't an incredible problem until they started making the entire server hate me for it :([DOUBLEPOST=1485718815][/DOUBLEPOST]Also there's an admin online the server rn btw
  6. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    3:22 PM
    Got the timestamp, as I was PMing moderators and admins to have a look into it- it was ~9pm CET.

    Got the timestamp, as I was PMing moderators and admins to have a look into it- it was ~9pm CET.


    I have informed @wyndman, @matiepie2 and @Minnow91

    Tagging you guys as pretty sure you can help us with Jokers accusations.

    Cheers o/
  7. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    9:22 AM
    I agree with what xTheJokerx has been saying. I have also been to his base several times and have not experienced lag except when the obvious loading lag.
  8. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    3:22 PM
    Bro, lag has got nothing to do with your fps, what do you mean?

    Also, to whom it might concern, when you go through a chat arround the time I mentioned, please cross reference nicknames of guys Joker listed as on his side, with the ones he gave loads of free power via tesseract, pretty sure these match, just say you know.

    Cheers o/
  9. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    Actually, you can go to my base and clearly see I rely on my own power via 2 small big reactors and I know what lag affects. I did not receive any form of lag or frame drop at his base. Especially during his farm running.
  10. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    3:22 PM
    Again, low tps had got nothing to do with your frame drops.
  11. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    Yes, I know this as I clearly stated "any form of lag or frame drop"[DOUBLEPOST=1485725661][/DOUBLEPOST]There was no low tps at his base either. Since I have to be specific for you to understand.[DOUBLEPOST=1485725842][/DOUBLEPOST]Yet he isn't even on the server and I am getting constant low tps and crashes.
  12. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    3:22 PM
    Allllrighty.... anyways, as above, w8ting fot you guys to go through a chat, no arguments to fight with in this thread... eh.


    What lags? tps should be like 18 (pretty good)
  13. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    6:22 AM
    MYM Staff does not, as a general principle, get involved in issues that are purely a dispute between players. We DO have staff that monitor, observe, and resolve TPS issues. IF a player is responsible for a TPS issue, we have a number of ways we deal with it, ranging from a polite request to alter the build up to simply removing the offending set-up ourselves.

    That said, this back and forth needs to END NOW!

    If you observe an Issue, such as TPS lag, then please report it. But there is no need, or benefit, to finger-pointing or the "blame game". I hope I am making myself clear on this, because I do NOT want to have to deal with this as an actual case of Harassment, or false accusations. I expect all parties involved to be able to act in a mature manner and move along with their gameplay, letting this matter drop.

    We ALL get frustrated when the game is running slow, lagging, rubber-banding, etc. But do NOT vent that frustration on each other. It undercuts the great community spirit we at the MYM Network have all worked so hard to build. And to be blunt, Staff does NOT want to have to act as babysitters.

    This is the simplest, and most polite way I can say this. For ALL of our sakes, please do not make this reply a waste of my time, I would not be well pleased! That said I am marking this thread as DONE, and hope that I never hear of it again, for the better sakes of everyone!

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