Done This cable no matter what I do is causing lag.

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by ProDminer, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. ProDminer

    ProDminer Well-Known Member

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    Ok so no matter what I do the middle dense fluix cable is constantly being shown on the lag meter on infinity node 4/

    So If I move this cable up or down the lag meter changes with it.
    Is this because the dense cable is to long?

    I literally took my base apart today to fix lag issues which has greatly helped.
    I took down like 64 industrial apiary, all the fan blocks on my walls, changed a bunch of dense cable lines , im moving my entire network of drive bays to one solid chunk. And all that is causing lag that is left is this part of this dense cable.

    So any ideas on what to do to fix this, cause people keep saying im the cause of all the lag, yet I do not even have any auto craft setup.
    I thought the items in that part of the line may be looping, but there is nothing even there anymore.

    So any ideas let me know.


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  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  3. ProDminer

    ProDminer Well-Known Member

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    Hello Slind, I just read that entire thing. I have almost all things that amount to massive quantities set to instantly go to a deep storage. Where I have them storage bus, and have them export from the system directly to there.

    The only thing I can see that may clog the entire system is, I have a group of ores when put into the Ae network instantly get pulverized and then as that is done they go straight to a furnace to get smelted.
    My theory is one of these items is trying to go there 24/7 which would be right, but there is none of that certain item and its cause some sort of bug on that specific spot on the cable.

    If I missed something in reading that, I can always get on TS and maybe one of you can put me in a channel and explain what I am missing. I may just disconnect the line there until I need to smelt ores down.[DOUBLEPOST=1485813302,1485812812][/DOUBLEPOST]As I suspected I found one of the issues! It was a DSU that had zero yellorite in it, but was constantly calling for it to be put there and smelted. So I am removing that DSU from the network and letting the yellowrite restore itself in the network. Sorry for any trouble this caused anyone, I just been debugging my entire base for 2 days now.
    wyndman likes this.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    To think I almost told you to check you cables when I saw your video ;)
  5. ProDminer

    ProDminer Well-Known Member

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    haha ya I am trying to get better organization.[DOUBLEPOST=1485820699,1485816076][/DOUBLEPOST]I figured something out, I am gonna make 2 ME systems. 1 is gonna be for only putting items into the pulverizers and then the furnaces. SO then at the end of the line there will be a ender chest that puts the ingots back in the original network. So basically ill have to manually put them there. I was re reading that guide and it suggest making multiple networks for different things so I guess ill give that a try hopefully it works.[DOUBLEPOST=1485829706][/DOUBLEPOST]BOOM! I figured it out how to finally stop the lag, each one of my ME systems now have only 3 drive bays a piece. filled with x16 drives.
    Next I have my main one with my DSU, the other one does all ores so I manually have to move them, then my final one is for Thaumcraft.

    I had 4 drive bays up and the lag would not stop, I mean it settled a whole bunch but as soon as I took the fourth drive bay out it seemed to fix it.
    If I get on the lag meter again ill be suprised.
    Slind likes this.

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