Implemented [Project Ozone 2] Blueprints and future viability

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by darkbio99, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    Recently as more and more players begin to progress towards the mid-game stages of Project Ozone Kappa mode, we have ran into an issue where exploring the moon for blueprints to progress and obtain basic resources for progression is taking hours to even begin, because a large amount of the dungeons are already cleared. And due to the lack of resets on galacticraft planets, this is only going to become increasingly common

    The album below outlines a fair portion of items that are gated by items from planets that more and more players are having excessive difficulty accessing.

    I'd like to propose either treating the current moon and all planets in general as a farmworld and encouraging players to use the space station system if they really desire the ability to build in space, or that crafting for blueprints be enabled similar to the B-team server recipes, with the recipes being properly balanced for Kappa mode and normal mode.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
    Octav14n and JavaBond like this.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    i dont think this should be implemented. the planets are meant to slow progression down. doing this will turn kappa mode into a semi normal-mode server. it just makes stuff too easy.

    in short: Bio dont be lazy lol.
    darkbio99 likes this.
  3. __Shii

    __Shii Well-Known Member

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    Yeah it's not like Kappa can also be played in singleplayer where the planets aren't raided yet. All bio wants is that it gets resetted in certain intervals so that the completely useless looking around when everything is raided stops. How does it turn kappa mode "into a semi-normal mode", when you still have to go to all planets. It's not like looking for hours to find a dungeon that wasn't raided yet is any fun or involves any skill
    darkbio99 and WikidSick like this.

    MR_SKELTAL1 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with Bio. Although not-resetting the planets seems like a good gate to prevent people from easily getting the planet's resources, huge amounts of time and useless grinding should never be a requirement to anything. Like __Shii said, in singleplayer and on small servers, the planets would not have been raided heavily. These platforms are most likely where the modpack creators intended kappa mode to be on. If the creators did not intend to make useless grinding on planets a gate, we should not have to make it one, therefore resetting the galacticraft planets would be not only a good idea but a necessary one.
    darkbio99 and Broklyn_Datroll like this.
  5. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    I do not play on Kappa myself, but could you not consider adding a recipe for the blueprints? But make the recipe require something from the dungeon, like a piece of the walls there or something? Would require people to go to the planet, find a dungeon, but not be stuck trying to find a unraided one.
    darkbio99 likes this.
  6. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    If they implemented the recipe version, I'd like to see it use the rocket of the previous tier. This avoids skipping progress since you will need to still build rocket after rocket and also ensures that it's completeable when you'd be using it. Gives you a use for your previous rockets.
  7. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Could you of our community, who are familiar with this issue, suggest some actual recipes?
    darkbio99 likes this.
  8. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    How about for each planets respective rocket, you could use native rock to that planet surrounding the previous tier of rocket. For example the tier 2 rocket blueprint would be a tier 1 rocket (Which you retain when landing on the moon) and moon rock surrounding it.

    Attached is an example of the tier 2 rocket blueprint recipe
  9. Evulperson

    Evulperson Well-Known Member

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    Its a good start, but this is kappa mode. I support the recipe idea if the planets aren't going to reset. But its gotta take a lot more than that. I highly suggest it require not only the rocket itself, but also something moderately complex made from several stacks of ores or other natural resources found on the particular planet in question at the time, maybe 2 or maybe 4. As for the corners, Something paperish, maybe something complex made from paper, maybe lapis too, since its a blueprint (or something complex made from lapis in some way (but it would only be there for the color anyway))

    So yeah, theres my thoughts, I believe it would be beneficial, long term, to make the blueprints available to craft in some way. However keeping in mind that this is Kappa mode, so its gotta be super crazy.
    darkbio99 likes this.
  10. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    I respectfully disagree. While the spirit of kappa mode is over the top, we must remember that this isn't a problem with the mode, I loaded up a creative world and within 20 minutes of landing on the moon I could obtain the blue print I needed. You must understand that while normally the recipe should be extreme, this shouldn't be required of a problem that is only really an issue due to the fact we aren't resetting the planets. I don't support making it hard because of a server based issue
  11. Evulperson

    Evulperson Well-Known Member

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    Seems fair enough, I hadn't considered that perspective.
    darkbio99 likes this.
  12. DrummerBoyNo

    DrummerBoyNo Well-Known Member

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    mabe to craft the blue prints should require items that you have to aquire on the moon, mars etc.
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I added recipes for the schematics of tier2 and tier3 rockets with the next restart.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  14. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    @SirWill were these recipes implemented only for PO2 normal? I ask because if they were supposed to work for PO2K, there is a problem with them not listing via NEI.
    __Shii likes this.

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